chapter 22

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( blue walker )

when i had gotten out of bed, "i had went to our granddaughter nursery room to get her up for breakfest."

and when i had slowly walked to her crib, "i had saw her cuddled up to the teddy bear in her crib."

it was so cute, "so i had gently picked her up and took her to the kitchen to eat."

( pink walker )

"after i had finished making: eggs, bacon, muffins, French toast for us to eat then i had gave silvia a little bit of our food to see how she likes it?"

"and i had also past out some coffee, juice and milk to drink with our food."

it was nice to see our family all together, "then we had clean the dishes before we all go on our walk today."

( red walker )

"mom! dad! are you ready for our walk?" and then i had saw my parents coming out of the kitchen and go outside.

so while we were all walking, "we had came up to the park so our daughter silvia can play."

( cupquake walker )

after we had came to the park, "we had let our daughter play for a little bit" and went back to our walk before going back to the house.

so our daughter silvia can take her nap, "and then i had saw our daughter was falling asleep on the baby swing so then it was time to go home and put her in her crib to take her nap."

( silvia bean )

when mama had put me in my crib, "i had fell to sleep holding onto my giant teddy bear."

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