chapter 6

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( layla mern )

when i had woken up, "i had went to get our kids up for breakfest and school" so for breakfest i had made: eggs, bacon, french toast and hunny buns.

then i had pack some lunches for them to eat, "and then i had send susan, adam, teddy and sasha to meddle school" then me and my husband had went to work.

while calbow and tina watch over baby jasper today, "have fun while we are gone."

( calbow william )

so after the others had left, "we had went to jasper nursery room to play and take care of her."

when we had asked about getting a job here, "the only job they had said humans can have was: babysitting" so that is the job have.

( jasper mern )

"mama, dada?"

( tina william )

"let's go see what is wrong our neice is crying?" so after checking up on jasper we had saw that she had gotten up from her nap, "then we had cleaned up our neice and changed her diaper before we had played with her toys.

"and then it was time for to take a nap," before the others had came home.

( susan mern )

"hi aunt tina and uncle calbow, how was your day babysitting today?" then they had told us that it had went very well.

then i had told them that they can go to bed, "because they look a little tired and then our parents had came home from work."

and saw me watching, "jasper."

so i had told mom and dad, "that i had told uncle calbow and aunt tina to go to bed while i watch jasper."

and then mom had told me that dinner, "will be ready in 20 minutes."

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