chapter 37

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( sebastian fiasco )

after we had gotten home, "our parents had taken us to bed" and in the morning our siblings had went to school so it was just us little kids at home today.

until our mom had asked us if we wanted to go to her toys store, "to help out today."

today was kinda slow until we had heard the door bell ring, "and we had saw our first customer coming into the store."

( mika fiasco )

our first customer was the frizzle family, "so while the mother and the kids had looked around we had saw they had brought some candy to eat later."

gummy warms are really good to eat, "but it is not good to eat candy all day."

( faith frizzle )

after our girls had all gotten better, "i had figure that i would give them new toys."

but when i couldn't decide what to pick, "i had grabbed 5 fluffy bears for my girls to play with."

and paid before we had left the store, "it was a very nice day outside so i had let our girls play outside today."

( sabrina johnson )

while we were playing outside, "we had played tag, hide and go seek and hopscotch" and then our mom had told us it was time to go inside for dinner time.

"for dinner we had: pasta salad and chicken." 

and then we had gotten ready for bed after we had brushed our teeth, "then we had all went to sleep."

in the morning it was really quiet, "nobody had really talked today" and it was nice to listen to the thunderstorm outside.

me and brittany love the smell of the outside after it's done raining and you can have fun in the puddles, "puddle jumping is really fun to do" but our dad doesn't want us to go outside because he had just cleaned the floor today.

so we had went to our room to play with our toys, "or take a nap."

the end.

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