Ryland (Part 8)

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"Ken, come here." I called upstairs. It was the middle of August now, so I thought we should figure out what Kendra was doing for school.

"Coming." She said, I heard her bedroom door close and she came down the stairs. "What's up."

Kendra went and sat on the couch next to Shane. "What do you want to do about school?"

"I personally don't want you in public school." Shane told her and she nodded. "Kids there are bad generally, and I don't want you falling in with bad people."

"You can be homeschooled." I offered, "Or there's a private school like 5 minutes away."

"I'd rather go to a private school." Kendra shrugged. "As much as I love you guys, I don't want to be in the house all day, and if we have to go somewhere, I can always miss school."

"Okay." I said, "I'll call them."

"Stay down here and watch a movie with me." Shane asked Kendra, and she nodded, leaning into the back of the couch.

"I'm gonna go call the school." Shane nodded.

I called for the dogs, and led them into the backyard. I sat on the back porch, and googled the school's number.

"Hi." I said, "I want to enroll my daughter here."

"Great!" The person said, "Can you give me her legal name so I can search her file."

"Kendra Brooke Dawson, but we just adopted her this summer, so I don't know where her school files would be."

"I found them! Now, can I have parent contact information."

"Ryland Adams." I told her my phone number, "And Shane Dawson." Then I told her Shane's number.

"Okay so we can text you a link to where you can buy their uniforms." I nodded, "Our dress code is, they have to wear the schools uniform, which is a polo top that has the school's logo on it, the top you can get in white, or gray, and then there are skirts, pants, and shorts, that are plaid in the school's colors, maroon, white and gray. Or you can just get the ones that are plain black, or khaki. They can wear whatever shoes, they want. If they want a jacket, we ask that they have a solid colored jacket, or there is some on the link I'll send you."

"Thank you so much."

I got off the phone, and went and got my laptop before I sat down on the couch.

I opened the link and told Kendra to find her uniforms with me.

"We'll get like 3 of each colored shirt. And a cardigan. Do you want more skirts or more pants."

"Skirts, probably." Kendra answered, so I put a a couple of the plaid skirts, and a couple of the black skirts. I also got some of the black pants and black shorts.

"You need a bookbag. And school supplies. Do you want one of the backpacks that's always on Instagram?"

"The Kankens?" Shane asked, and I nodded.

"Sure." Kendra shrugged. So I ordered the uniforms, which were very overpriced, and switched to the Kanken website.

"You need one of the laptop ones because it has to hold stuff." I mumbled to myself, and looked at one of the 15 inch ones.

"What color do you want?" Shane asked.

"Black, I guess." Kendra shrugged, "I want it to match my other stuff." I put that in the cart.

"So then we can get the black pencil case to match too."

Shane mumbled out a yeah.

"Is that it here?"

"Get the lunch box too." Shane said, so I put that in my cart. "Kendra, can you go get my wallet off the shelf of the entry room."

She stood up, and came back and tossed his wallet at him.

"Okay, you two can watch your movie now." I laughed, and got Shane's wallet.

"Thank you guys." Kendra said, and I smiled at her. Shane laughed, and kissed the side of her head.

"You're welcome."

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