Tony To Pepper

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"I need help,"

"Of course you do. What is it this time?"

"It's about Steve,"

"What did you do that poor man? Did you throw Bucky out a window?"

"Who said I did anything? I didn't do anything. He's the one going around being all adorable and edible, and kind to Thor's vicious Dobberman, and did mention I kissed him?"

"When did Thor get a Dobberman?! And why did you kiss him?!"

"Bruce took him to get pets and so now we have like two or three cats and two dogs,"

"When did you kiss Cap?!"

"Nat locked us in the kitchen! JARVIS wouldn't let us out til she was 'satisfied' and so I did what she wanted! It wasn't some dramatic thing, it was just on his cheek, which is super soft in case you were wondering,"

"I wasn't wondering. I'll have words with Natasha. You need to step up your game, Tone. Woo him,"

"Don't say that word. Nobody says that word,"

"Woo. Woo woo woo,"

"That's my new least favourite word, thanks,"

"Just impress him,"

"I can do that. Yeah, I'm- I'm Tony Stark, I can impress him,"

"I mean without making him a jet or something. Like. Actual human emotions,"

"Ew! Why?! Why does everyone want me to use emotions all the time?! I have a rule!"

"Shut up and woo him,"

"You are evil!"

"I'm what you have,"

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