Steve To Tony

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okay i get that u might b upset or something but u dont need to lock urself downstairs like a baby


um i've been down here for an hour

and im building something and its unrelated to u


it's been three days

have you not eaten in three days tony?



i had five pots of coffee down here


oh my god

get the fuck up here and eat


im busy


you need to eat


fine jesus im coming

but for the record its clints fault im down here

everyone hates me so im building a jet


nobody hates you and even if they did you cant just give people stuff and make everything okay


really? cos in my experience thats literally how the world is

sex, money, tech or toys

pick your poison and every single of em has a price


you're such a child you know what you're doing is wrong so cut it out


what am I doing steve? trying to use my brain for something fucking useful so im not meaningless?


you know youre not meaningless


actually i am

but at least im not running around pretending everythings okay, picking up where i left off with a best friend who tried to rape me and kill me. at least im not making people stay awake all night worrying and fucking around with coffee machines and building jets so they wont think about what could happen if they leave me alone at the wrong time. at least i know whats wrong. i know im a drunk piece of shit with a bad attitude and dependency problems and an ego complex and i would be benefitting the world more as soil. but you wont tell me whats bothering u, i had to find out from fuckin marie hill and now u wont say a word about it

i know u cant be okay, no matter how well u have the others fooled i know that ur not okay

but u dont trust me enuff to talk about it




what the fuck open the damn lab tony


JARVIS says you just drove away in the mustang get back here


tony please


come on


im sorry

Avengers TextsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora