Natasha to Steve

671 46 1


you can't tell sam are you fucking crazy bucky will be crushed


it's his business and his life. he's been stripped of everything and exposed and he barely knows who he is anymore if he wants to keep THIS, something very personal and integral to his life, one of the few things he has left, if he wants to keep this a secret, he should be allowed to for as long as he needs


he needs a push


he needs you to support him until he's ready. you do this and he'll hate you


and I won't be so fond of you either


and I can't believe that you think Tony would be ok with it either


honestly. tony stark. you know who he is and you know him intimately obviously what about any part of him makes you think that he would support you doing this to your friend


i don't care. because if it were me i'd want bucky to do the same


well, that's a lie. and if bruce finds out he'll kill you.


and sam probably will be more mad at you than anything because why would you tell him something like that, it's none of his or even your business if bucky doesn't want you to know


he's my oldest friend, nat, i have to do something


you can act like his friend instead of a bully? you can listen to what he wants instead of your own need to be the hero?


just don't



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