Wade to Clint

549 45 1


hey I think peter's mad?


bout what


idk he asked if I took his socks which I didn't and apparently he has no socks and he has to be somewhere


huh he's probably just stressed that he has no socks




did you talk to him




about the thing we talked about before?


oh. then no, no I didn't talk talk to him






talk to peter


you talk to peter im at work




yeah that was a lame excuse I'll talk to him later




did u know i set up bucky and sam


aww that's nice


i know it is. i'm a little sad tho i wanna go on a date


tell bruce that. he'll take you out


i would but he's really busy with loki rn


hm idk what to tell you




back to my problems


okay well we can't really re-address your problems until you TALK TO PETER


oh tru. back to sam and bucky then


right. i wonder how their date is going.


do they know it's a date






that may be a problem




oh well. i'm gonna go bother people about taking me out. finish your "job" and go talk to peter


alright cool

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