Tony to Bucky

761 51 30


hey, where are you?


i'm on the fifth floor


why are you up there jeez


bc no one uses this floor and im in hiding


well im mad at steve


yeah same. we can form a club.


bruce is mad too


he can join too


alright we can combine it with our other club


what other club


the trans people of the tower club


first order of business. catchier name.


wait, are you guys


oh, yes. we're highly trans


how come no one tells me these things


well I mean for one thing, it doesn't come up. and there's no reason to just tell people. which is why im mad at steve. that and other stuff. he's being an ass im real sorry


no it's cool


who else is trans


well there's me. and there's bruce. and loki's genderfluid but y'know he changes his physical form to match that, but anyways he's nonconforming


but he still wants us to use he


he or they. or she. depending. he'll tell you what to use depending on the day so don't worry.


oh and of course there's maria hill my sweet innocent flower girl whom I love


maria hill awww she's so nice


she is. and also natasha is in love with her but fury keeps fucking that up ugh


but anyway that's our club it's just the five of us




do I get a badge


yes and a t-shirt


im changing the design to steve's face with a line through it


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