Peter's POV

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Peter was tied up on the far side of a cold, probably underground, and quite small bunker. There was one lightbulb hanging from a chain and a desk several feet away from him where three lackeys were playing cards. It was a very typical hideout. Some up-and-coming villain that called himself "the Red Owl" had kidnapped Peter, knocked him out, and then had his goons hold him here.

"Hey, Spidershit!" One of the three goons laughed, picking up his phone as it beeped with a voicemail. "You're boyfriend left you another message!"

Peter growled around the gag in his mouth. They had taken his mask, his phone, and his webs before restraining him.

"There's no need for that," one of the other goons tsked. "Play it, Mick, that last one almost had me peein' my pants."

Mick dragged a chair over to Peter and opened his voicemail, playing the message.

"Hey, babe!" Wade's voice came through the speaker. He sounded less sad than he had before, which was good, but his voice still wounded Peter. "Uh, I mean, I just- Bruce gave me your message. And, uh, I know, that I'm annoying, a lot, and I know that I- What was the other thing you said? Privacy? I'll work on that. And I'm really sorry about your lemon jello. I'm really sorry. So, I'm on my way to... Brooklyn, to try and find you. I love you. Alright? I'm really worried about you. I wish you'd just text me or something. But I get, you're mad, you'd rather talk to Bruce than me. It's cool. I- Shut up, I am not a pussy. Sorry. That was Natasha. She's dropping me off in Brooklyn and then she's heading off to, like, Nepal or something. I don't know about her business. Anyways, your voicemail is gonna cut me off again, but I love you, which I may have already said, but-"

The henchman were cackling. Peter kicked out at the chair in front of him, but it was just out of his range.

"Watch it, Parker. Or we'll mail you back to your boy in pieces."

Peter growled again. The rag in his mouth was disgusting, he noted, and tasted vaguely like gasoline. Fantastic. This rag had probably been used to wipe off rusted cars and filthy floors before it had been placed sharply in his mouth.

"What's taking Lo- Red Owl so long?" The third goon asked. He had barely spoken the whole time, and he seemed to be getting more agitated by the minute.

"You know the plan. We're gonna wait for Deadpool to go on a rampage over pretty boy and blame him for those murders, and when the Black Widow finds the boss he's gonna take her back to Brazil-"

"MMPH!" Peter exclaimed unintentionally. Goon number two's head snapped to him as his mouth clenched shut.

"Just be patient," Goon-number-one-Mick said as he dragged his chair back to the table.

Peter's mind was whirling. Why would a B-rate villain nobody's ever heard of kidnap him to get Natasha to Brazil? And why would Wade need to be framed for murder? Had they known he was Peter Parker before they got his phone, or was that new information?

"Ooh! We got a text! It's from 'Tony Dad'," Mick set his cards down on the table and walked to Peter. "You bite me again, I'm cutting off your toes." He warned as he slid the gag out of Peter's mouth.

"Your hand is disgusting. Do you fist cows, or is your natural flavor bovine asshole?"

Mick punched him in the chest and he coughed out a laugh.

"He wants to know if you want him to go to the zoo without you."

Peter pondered for a moment. The zoo must be what they got from his last message. He shook his head.

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