Tony To Fury

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"What the fuck did you do?"

"I do a lot of shit, you'll have to be more specific,"


"How'd you find out?"

"I live with super spies. There are no secrets you could keep,"

"He doesn't remember it, if that helps any,"

"Steve remembers!"

"Steve is fine,"

"He is not- Hush, Steve, i'm not being melodramatic- He's emotionally damaged- Jesus Christ are you joking me right now Steve i'm gonna freak out as much as I want- And you're an ass,"

"He says he's fine, he's fine. Stop being so concerned about everyone else,"

"He's not 'someone else' he's Steve and you're being completely ridiculous,"

"Just because you like him doesn't mean I have to baby him like you do-"

"I don't baby him! Am I seriously the only person having a sane reaction?!"

"YOU need to get remedicated, Stark. Rogers is fine. Don't bring it up with Barnes. Or i'll kill you,"

"I'm gonna rip your other eye out and shove it up your-"

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