XVII - Eleanor

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I heard the door of the room beside me creaked.

It's so hard suppressing my giggle but I'm still wishing he won't see me.

"Andrew? Andrew, wake up. Drew?" I tapped his cheek. "Why are you sleeping here? I chuckled.

"Huh? Sleep?" He didn't know he slept?

"Yeah. You slept. You lost our game but in the end, I was the one who looked for you. An hour already passed!" In the end, I was the one who searched for him!

He got up quickly, shocked.
"Isang oras na?!" I gently nodded.
"I-I'm sorry. We should.. do this again. I'll make it up to you. I just.. have to rush to school now. I'll see you tomorrow, maybe." He smiled and kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I was about to tell him something but he immediately went for the door and got outside the library.

I placed my hand on my left side of the chest and it was drumming like crazy!

I've.. I've never felt this.
My heart was racing and my mind went blank.
It wasn't as if I'm going to slap him or whatever but I wish he could stay a bit longer. I just want to savor his presence.

I guess he was late for class. I chuckled at the thought.

I looked around to see if something was moved but gladly, there's none.
I trust Andrew as someone who won't just pick up something that's not his. I like that he respects privacy. And I think, I love him for that.

Love? Did I just say that?

I guess it wasn't the right time to say it yet.

I'm looking at this phone for hours and he wasn't calling me or texting me yet. I wonder what he's doing right now?

I finally got up to see that it was nighttime. 8 in the evening, to be exact.

I got pretty bored and went downstairs to the parlor to play the piano.


I remember how Papa taught me this. It was originally a duet but now that I'm alone, I adjusted this piece to a solo version.

I missed all the good times.
Oh, and did I mention that Mama and Papa used to throw parties here and they'd let me play the piano?
They all praised me how fine I grew to be a young woman.

The manor was quiet again. I can't remember for how long it was this quiet, but I really miss all the occasions we had here.

It was a sunny day today. It seems like it's a nice day to go out.. maybe I should try?

I heaved a sigh. Right, I must try.

I got up to prepare and even if half of my heart was heavy, I managed to step outside the door and picked up my umbrella.

I haven't been that far from the manor but I already saw Angelo. Andrew's brother. He greeted me with a smile. "Hello, Eleanor."

I smiled back. "Are you out here playing?"

"Ha? Ah, oo. Pero, binabantayan ko kasi yung mga nandito." He said 'as-a-matter-of-fact'.

"Why? Do they need guidance?"

"Oo, parang ganun na nga," He looked around, though no one's here. I can only feel the blazing heat from the sun. "Pero sana, wag mong saktan ang kapatid ko ha? Mas makabubuti kung maaga pa lang sabihin mo na."

What? What does he know about me?

"You-You're just a kid, but why do you act like you know everything?" And why am I even talking to him..

He crossed his arms, his expression is.. neutral. I can't really tell.. I don't know what he is thinking. "Hmm.. kasi nga, alam ko ang lahat. Pati ang tinatago mo. Siya, pupunta na ako doon." He pointed at the end of what seemed like a forest.

I can't.. most of the time, I can't understand what he's blabbering about.

What does he know about me?

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