XIV - Andrew

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WARNING: Scenes ahead may not be suitable for some, as it may trigger intense emotions. Reader discretion is advised.

"Hide and seek? Then?" I'm not really good with this game, but for her, sure, I'll do it.

"Game?" She smiled as she challenged me.

I sighed. Wala naman na akong magagawa diba? If this is what makes her happy. "Okay, but don't make it hard for me please? I'm not good at this." I slightly chuckled.

"I won't, trust me." She looked really serious.

"Let's start." I smiled.

"I'll need you to turn around, face the wall, and close your eyes." She smiled.

I nodded. "Alright. It won't really be easy. This mansion is huge."

"Yes, that's what hide and seek means right? Come and catch me!" She chuckled.

Napabuntong-hininga ako at tumalikod sa pader, pinikit ko na rin ang mga mata ko.

"Please, make it a bit easy. Please, please, Eleanor."

I'm not feeling her presence anymore. So I turned around and she was gone. That instant?! But I didn't even hear her footsteps!!

"Eleanor, I'm coming. Where are you?" I walked and turned around looking for any sign of her. I was disappointed.

I looked through the dining hall, kitchen, living room, and again, no sign of her.
I even opened the main door to look for her but I was greeted by a soft, cool wind and touched my skin.

The house, manor rather, was eerily quiet. Like there isn't anybody in here but me.

I climbed the stairs to the left wing and a just a little sunlight was peeking through. It's a bit dark. The curtains were blocking the sun's harsh noon rays.

Hindi ko naman kabisado itong mansyon. Hindi ko naman rin ito nalibot pa. Eleanor said it before that this house have 15 bedrooms, not including the master's bedroom for her parents.

I looked across the corridor and found a painting. It was her. She really is a beautiful woman, emitting a mysterious aura. She was smiling, but her eyes remained cold and piercing.

There were 2 doors, each on my left and right. Hmm.. what should I open first?

Right. It was dark, and feels very dusty. I found furnitures that are covered in white cloth which startled me a bit. I immediately closed it and turned to the opposite door.
Left. The complete opposite. It was empty, and very bright. No curtains at all, and.. nothing. Walls are painted, but it's more like a bare room.

How am I supposed to look for her? I mean, this is really huge. Bigger than our house, actually.
The other 4 doors are locked, so I didn't bother.

I remembered the library downstairs. Hindi ko pa na-check kung nandoon siya!

I reached the library and cautiously opened the door. It creaked a bit, but not too noisy. Eleanor might know I'm here..

I sneakily went in and the library is like.. the equivalent of three big rooms. There are too many books!
I also find the smell of old books fragrant to me.

The books are in each sections.. history, general fictions, classics, and there's psychology near the bottom right! I was in awe! The books are too much!

Lahat ng pinag-aralan ko sa kursong kinuha ko nandito! Theories of Personality, Abnormal Psychology... and even stories relating to Psychology. May Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Hyde rin! I badly want to read that book.
Hindi naman siguro magagalit si Eleanor kung magbasa ako at hiramin ko sa kanya ito?

Catch Me ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang