It's the demon cloak . I struggled to my feet and and went straight in. But another tail wildly swung knocking me off my feet again. I looked up and saw it heading straight towards choza who had his back turned .

"CHOZA!!!" I shouted luckily he heard and looked back in time to catch it.

Thank goodness. I stand up again to see Darui stuck in a direct hit of kinkakus transformed state. Rushing in I managed to tackle him out way as another ninja punches kinkaku out of our direction

"The hell you standing around for !" I yelled getting off him "freeze again and I'll let him kill you !"

He looked at me angrily "watch who the hell your talking to Uchiha."

"You almost got the kohaku no johei destroyed. I don't think I should stress you about the importance of not freezing up like you did back there !"

He remained shut and pushed past me. "Stay out of my way." As the reinforcements flew in they attacked immediately and the ino sheik and cho formation began but kinkaku broke through the shadow paralysis and was heading towards shikamaru in a fast rate . Ino doesn't have time to focus .

"Choza ! " I shouted diving in and choza behind me we ran past shikamaru and straight for the tail. Grabbing it we were able to help slow the speed but we were losing grip quickly.

"Hold on!" He grunted expanding his feet to have better grip in the ground.

"Above !" I shouted as another tail was crashing down to crush us

Choza releases one arm to catch the flying tail and I had to muster up any strength I had to pick up the slack. "Rrrrraaaaaahahhhhhhhhhh" we shouted in unison as we we reached our limit but that was enough time for ino to focus and complete the mind transfer.

It all was about 30 seconds seconds long but felt as if it were minutes.

Choza and I collapsed catching our breathe

He quickly got up threw me on his shoulder and jumped us to safety

"That's some strength for a small girl" he said helping me down

"I'm definitely gonna feel that in the morning " I winced in pain.  Barely able to move at that second I pulled out a food pill and took it
Feeling replenished I crack my back. Neck and fingers

"Already?" He teased referring to needing the food pill.

"Of course. I kind of pushed my limit picking up your slack " I smiled punching his arm. The crowd cheered as kinkaku was now sealed away.

"We're not done yet" choza said jumping back in

I followed his lead and start cutting through the White zetsu's.

Asuma is now facing the kids.

Poor things.

"Y/n" choza called out. "Don't interfere  just yet. Let them figure things out. " I shook my head in agreement .

But I couldn't lie. I was distracted...

Asuma.. my heart cried seeing him like this. And I could tell it bothered choza just as much. I just can't imagine what they're feeling.

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