Chapter Thirty

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Talk about mine and Asher's break up spread like wild fire. It's only been a few days and everyone will look at me and glare. Or they come up to me to talk about the skills I have on the piano but that was mostly the music kids that did that.

Mackenzie and Jason still talk to me like nothing's wrong. Girls are swarming Asher again and I was slowly going back into the shell I liked so much before.

As I walked into the house I see my dad siting on the couch with his phone, playing the video of my playing.

"Someone at work showed me this." He said with such a plain tone. I take a deep breath and he looked to me. "So is this some kind of hobby that you have? What's going on Skyler?" He stood up and approached me. His tone changed to a soft voice.

"Dad, I love music. I don't want to be a doctor or anything else. I want to be in music." I looked him in the eyes and he sighed.

"Your mother had this same mind set but her dreams got her nowhere."

"I was already excepted into a school in Florida." He looked to me shocked and I sighed. "I'm going to school in Florida. If I do well there I'll have a good chance of actually going somewhere with this." I looked up to him and he sighed.

"Do you really think you can do this?" He asked and I nodded. "Alright, I'll be here if you need anything." I shot my head up surprised that he was okay with this. "I do think that you should keep you options open. Take other classes that could get you a good job later if everything fails.

"I will! Thank you dad! You don't know how much this means to me!" I wrap my arms around him and he hugged me back. This will work. I run off to my room to do my homework.

This is it. I'm going to Florida and that's final.

Hey! So she's decided on a college! He dad is expecting her choices and everything's turning out okay for her right now. But what about Asher?

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Till next time!


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