Chapter Two

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Once I had finished my lesson I walked across the street to my house. Before I was anywhere close to the door I heard screams already. I never like hearing them fight I cover my ears and walk away from my house.

    I'm never really home. Some days my parents get home late and I'll be in the house but when they both get home I sneak out just so I won't hear what's going on.

I'll go to either to the park or into the church. I walked across the street to the church and I shake on the door but it looks like she steady locked it. I walk with my bag to the park on the other side of my neighborhood. When I get there I pull out my homework and I zip up my jacket to protect me from the cold.

    After I finish my homework I was on my phone. I was on my secret Instagram. I was so unknow that I also have a popular Instagram for some reason people would follow me and I would post pictures that I take and on the profile everyone knows I'm a pianist but they don't know that's I'm the weird girl that sits in the back silently. I knew the whole school was following except for Melissa and her sidekick Katie. I guess they think they're to good for this person of course they don't follow anyone.

I got a notification from my Snapchat. I had an internet friend that I've never talked to in person and neither of us want to send pictures to each other. I know that he could be some weirdo and that I should watch out but it's someone to talk to when I'm going out of my mind with everything that happens to me.

I look at his text:

Mr. Mister: Hey crazy cat! 😝

You: I told you not to call me that!

Mr. Mister: that's exactly why I'm call you that. It's funny.

You: No it's just annoying! Is there anything you wanted to say to me?

Mr. Mister: I want to know about your day. Mine was eventful. What about you?

You: It was the same I guess. Except for one part but that was just because of an annoying kid that's in my class!

Mr. Mister: Wow, what did he want?

You: He was just asking random questions that I didn't want to answer! And he was so oblivious to how much I hated it!

Mr. Mister: Haha😂 someone talks to you and you freak out! That's funny! I remember how you responded to my first text to you it was so funny I have screenshots of it!

You: Oh be quiet! So what happened with you?

Mr. Mister: Okay, I'll let you change the subject just this once!

You: I am not changing the subject!

Mr. Mister: Shhhh! My turn now! Well I had a very weird day there's this girl at me school that I was trying to give a ride to when I saw her walking and she refused to get in but I could tell she was tired so I refused to leave her there. And I almost got punched by the guy in the car behind me! Pretty cool huh?

You: oh yes very cool!

Suddenly I relies, that story was too familiar. I quickly read over to make sure I read it right the first time.

You: What school was that?

Mr.Mister: nice try but I'm not telling!

You: I'll tell you a secret? 🙄

Mr. Mister: That's a hard bargain but I will! It was Payward High School!

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