Chapter Twenty

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    Asher dragged me on to a lot of rides and I felt like I was being watched all the time. We would be standing in line and when I turn around there was always a guy staring and would quickly look away when I spotted him.

    Besides that I had a bad feeling we would bump into Melissa and Katie. I was looking over my shoulder the whole time and I hoped they had already left. I was getting really late and the sun would be setting at any moment now.

    "Why do you look so tense?" Asher asked as we were standing in the wave pool.

    "I just feel like we'll see Melissa and every time I turn around there's a guy staring at me!" I said and splashed the water. Asher looks behind me and then he give a scolds to something behind me. I turned and saw guys quickly walking away.

    "Well, they won't be starting any longer." He smiled down at me. "And if Melissa sees us, then she sees us. We were going to tell after camp anyways." He said and kisses my forehead.

"But," I stop myself.

"What?" He said. Asher grabbed my hands and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"It's nothing." I looked away and he pulled me closer to him. I looked up and saw him looking sad.

"It's not nothing. I know that look." I sighed.

    "Well it's just... Okay, you said that if they found out about us and you weren't around they would be really angry and try to do things to me." He nodded.

    "They might do that. Besides I'm sure you could tell them off." He laughed. "You'll be fine. Now come on, we'll go on one more ride then go get food." I nodded and we walked out of the wave pool and Asher pulled me into a line. After about thirty minutes of waiting Asher suddenly started to go down the stairs.

    "Oh wait! I gotta go get my Go Pro for this ride!" He said and started to make his way back down the stairs.

    "They wouldn't let you have it with you." I said but he was already off. "Big idiot." I sighed.

    "Did your boyfriend leave you sweet heart?" The guy from behind me said. I ignored him for a little bit. I couldn't pretend I don't know English, he heard me talking!

    "My friend just asked you a question!" The other guy said. I didn't turn to see their faces I just stood in line ignoring them.

    "Hey!" He grabbed my arm and I quickly pulled my arm away before he had a tight grip on me.

"Please leave me alone." I said not facing him.  He chuckled.

"I don't think I want to." He said. He put a hand on my shoulder. I turn and he removed his hand. I smacked him quickly and walked out of the line. I was not going to stand there and listen to him anymore!

As I pushed past everyone I looked behind and saw the guy I had slapped was following. I moved quickly and hoped I would lose him once I made it into a larger opening.

I made it out of the line and started to move quicker passed people. I don't know if he was still following but I didn't want to take the chance. I slipped into a big group and turned to look. No one was behind me. I let out a breath and walked back to where our stuff was set down. I didn't see Asher's GoPro so he must have ran back to the line. He'll be back eventually I should just sit and wait here.

    I was set up in the shade and I had my towel laid out underneath me. I closed my eyes and I think I actually could have fallen asleep. I don't know how long I was sitting there till I heard someone run up to me. I opened my eyes and saw Asher. He was huffing and puffing from running.

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