Chapter Eleven

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    I was in Child Development before science. I'm not too excited to be in class with Cade. I'm going to tell him no but I'm not quite sure why? I don't like him and I don't want a relationship. So I guess that's my reasoning.

    Time moved by faster then it ever did before in class. I would have stayed home if it wasn't for my dad. I was begging for time to just stop!


    Flapjacks on a stick! I couldn't even take my time to get to class it was right around the corner! I still went as slow as humanly possible.

When I slowly walked threw the doors I see Cade sitting at our spot looking right at me and so was the rest of class. How many people know about my life?

    "So,  do you have an answer for me?" He asked me as I sat down.

    "I'm going to have to say no." I say. He blinked a little and everyone in class was silent.

    "No, you don't have an answer? Or no is your answer?" He asked.

    "No, is my answer." I say and the whole class has a collective gasp but I ignored them. "You're cool and all but I don't like you at all!" Another gasp. "And you creep me out, a lot!" Another gasp. "Oh, would you stuff it!" I yell at the class "Mind your own business!" They all turn away and move on with their lives.

    "Is it because you like Asher?" He asked. I suddenly remembered Asher and game night tonight. Then I look over to Cade and saw a slight bruising under his eye. Asher! It looked okay with Cade's hazel eyes and tan skin. Unlike me I'm whiter then a piece of paper!

    "Asher? I don't like Asher. Why do you think that?" I asked laughing a little.

    "The whole schools been talking about how you guys walked out of class hand and hand." I squint my eyes.

    "That doesn't mean I like him. He's a friends and I couldn't care less who he likes! I don't like anyone if that helps clear up anything for you." I say.

    "They why don't you give me a chance?" He smirked.

    "Because you're being pushy about it and you just need to lay off!" I yell at him. The class had their eyes on us again. Lucky for me class started. I went through the class and got out of there as fast as I could!

I go to the lunch table with Michael and Blaise. They talked and I listened like I always do. "Skyler!" I hear someone say from behind. I turn and see Asher on the other side of the lunch room. Ten girls where surrounding him. When he waved to me the girls gave me the dirtiest glares. I wave and turn back to my table.

"Did I miss something with you Skyler?" Michael asked. "I heard you were dating Jayfire now."

"I heard that too." Blaise said. "But I thought Cade was the one that asked you out?"

"When did this happen?" Michael asked. I gave him the quick explanation and told them what happened today. I turn and see Asher had finally pulled away from the girls and was on his way here.

"It's to late to hide now, isn't it?" I ask and the twins nodded.

"Hey!" Asher sits next to me and the twins were quite. "You still on for tonight?" He asked. I nodded.

"Wait, what?" The twins say together. I look at them and Asher actually noticed they were here.

"Oh hi, I'm Asher." Asher hold out his hand to shake their hands and they both shake.

"We know." They say in unison. I shiver because when they talk like that it scares me.

"Asher, this is Michael and Blaise." I say and point to the right ones. "They're twins." Asher looks at me with an understanding.

"So, what do you want with Skyler?" Michael asked like the big brother he thinks he is.

"What?" Asher asked a little taken back.

"Why are you interested in Skyler?" Blaise screamed. I look around at the lunch room and see everyone looking at us. The girls all gave me glares and I wanted to crawl under the table!

Asher answers all their weird questions. As they talked a little I felt myself slowly going under the table. This is too much attention and I never asked for it!

"Where you going?" Asher asked smiling at me when he noticed I had shrunk a bit.

"No where." I say and sit up straight. Asher looks around and saw the room staring.

"Oh," he looked back at the twins. "Mind if I take her away?" He asked. I felt even more uncomfortable as the room went completely silent waiting to see what would happen.

"No." Blaise said giving me the best friends look. Asher grabs my hand and pulls me out side to the courtyard. We stopped at the same tree we had take pictures of.

"Sorry about everyone. They're nosy and I know you don't like having that much attention on you." I looked around and saw only a few people around us.

    "It was just a mini anxiety action." I lie. I'm still freaking out!

    "Everyone's already talking about how you told Cade to lay off." Asher says. I sigh.

    "I hate when people talk about me. Why dose society find joy in other people's lives? I am not the Kardashian's!" Asher laughs.

    "It distracts them from how boring their lives are." He smiles to me.

    "My life's boring," I stop. "Well, it was boring." I groan. "Why'd you have to talk to me?" I complain. Asher laughs and puts an arm around my shoulder.

    "I thought I told you why." He laughed. I can't remember if he did.

    "I honestly don't remember." I say and both me and Asher take a set.

    "You'd different from everyone in this school. You don't care what I do you just want to go on with your life." He smiled and I smiled too. "I like how your different."

    I look at him and realize his arm is still around me. We sat looking at each other for a little. I noticed a hint of gold in his eyes.

    "Do you know what time it is?" I ask not batting an eye. He pulled out his phone and looked at it.

    "It's 12:40." He says.

    "Right, that's my cue to leave. You might like being late but I enjoy the quite of the class room before you all show up." I stand up and grab my bag.

    "I'll see you in class then." He said. I waved good bye and went to class. That was a weird moment we just had.

Hey!! So this was eventful, please vote and comment please! I apologize for any spelling of grammar errors. But they had a moment and Skyler is super dense! Is Asher falling for our girl?
Till next time
Bye-bye!! 🤗

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