Chapter Fourteen

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I hate my classes! They went by too fast. Except science, I couldn't get out of there fast enough! I was worried about everything!

What if he doesn't like me? I'm so confused about everything. While I was at lunch I refused to talk to Michael and Blaise about everything! I didn't even sit with them. I ran away! I was leaning against some lockers we had in the school.

People would pass me but never really sees me. I was freaking out about my next class! What if something goes wrong? What if I like him and he's just messing with me? I don't like any part of this!

"What are you doing hiding here?" I look up and see Asher. He took a set next to me and I looked away.
"Thinking." I saw quietly. I felt my face go pink a little. Why is it harder to talk to this guy now?

"Oh," we were both quite. It was so weird! No one looked at us and we were probably silent for twenty minutes. My cheeks had gone back to the original color and I had calmed down a bit.

"Look, about what happened Friday..." he said. I looked over to him quickly. Oh! He's going to talk to me about it! "It was..." he trails off.

"Weird?" I asked.

"Yes! But... I guess I was trying to tell you something through the act..." he sounded shy and that's not like him at all.

"I feel like it would have been less weird if you just told me what ever it was." I said slightly reaching for him to say it.

"Well, you're a great girl. Your talented, your different, and you're an amazing friend to me because I earned your friendship not because of who I am."

"I won't say the word earned but continue." I say and he laughed.

"See that's what I mean. You just don't care that I'm the football team captain! You just care how I act! You automatically drew my attention because when I walked in to class that first day you were the only one that just rolled their eyes and continue on with everything. You didn't push people out of their spots to make room for me. You were just you!" He smiled to me.

"I'm sure I wasn't the only one." I say looking away as I felt my cheeks glow red.

"I really like you." He whispered but that didn't stop me from hearing it.

"I'm sorry did you whisper something? I couldn't tell I'm so used to you screaming out everything! Speak up! Say it with confidence!" I say turning around no madder how red I was. He laughed.

"I like you a lot!" He said. I sat thinking.

"Like how? In a Friends way? Or family? Or... somethings else?" I said just thinking about this crap made me turn red.

"Something else." He said. "Maybe sometime, if you'd like we could... go out?" He asked. I saw him turn red and I laughed.

"Yeah, okay. That sounds cool." I say. He smiles and stands up.

"You and me, lets go to class." He smiled to me and lends out a hand to help me up. I rolled my eyes.

"Now you're taking my quite time?" I joked.

"I guess I'll have to be silent with you!" I smiled and took the hand. We walked to class and when class was over he walked me to where I met up with Blaise and Michael.

"I'll see you in a bit." He said. I smiled and he left.

"Aw, so cute!" Blaise joked.

"I missed so much that one day!" Michael said. I nodded.

"Uh-oh, 3 o'clock." Blaise said looking in a direction. I turn and see Cade walking up to us.

"Hey Skyler! What's up!" He said and places an arm around me.

"Nothing, can I help you with anything?" I asked as I moved out of his hold.

"I just want to see if you want to hang out with me tonight?" He winked at me. I almost hurled!

"I think she's good!" Michael said and pushed me behind him.

"Please leave Creepy Cade!" Blaise said and held me by the shoulders. These two are just like older brothers.

"Creepy Cade?" He retorted.

"Back off!" They say in unison. Cade raises his hands in defeat. The twins pulled me away from the area.

"If that guy every bothers you again I'll kill him!" Michael said. Blaise and him talked about Cade's demise and what was the best course of action to take him down without having to go to jail. When we got to their street I was about to go over to the truck but the twins turned to look at me.

"You want us to walk you the rest of the way home?" They asked. I shook my head.

"I'm fine. Besides its not far." I say and smile to them as I watch them leave. When I figured they were far enough away I went into the truck and saw Asher sitting there smiling.

"Hey Crazy Cat." Instead of rolling my eyes I smile.

"Hey Ally Cat." He laughed and started to drive.

"So why did the twins look so unhappy?" He asked.

"Creepy Cade was being creepy." I say. Instead of laughing at the name like he usually does looked over to me seriously.

"What did he do?" He looked back at the road quickly and then back at me.

"Eyes on the road!" I say and point forward.

"Sorry," he looks at the road. "But really what happened?"

"He was being creepy! I don't know how to explain it any other way! He freaked me out as usually. Thank goodness the twins where there to pull him off." He looked over to me worried.

"What do mean by pull him off? Like physically-" I cut him off.

"No!" I laughed. "Just don't think to much about it! It wasn't a big deal."

"If he messes with you again I will personally take care of him." Asher said angry.

"Well I know this won't be the last I see of him, were partners in Science." I say. Asher takes his eyes off the road.

"What?" I look over and see him swerving into the next lane.

"Asher eyes on the road now!" I say and pull the week the other direction. He looked and saw what was going on. "Geez! I will not finish this conversation till we are stopped!" I say. "It's not worth dying over!"

"Sorry, it's just, I don't like the guy at all. He's creepy! And your stuck with him in science."

"It's not that bad, today I told him I would scoop his eyes out with a spoon." I said. I heard Asher laughing and I looked over to him.

"I have no doubt you did." He laughed. "Well, here you are." He said. I grabbed my things and jumped out of the car.

"See you tomorrow!" I say and went inside the church for my lesson.

When I get in I see her sitting in the room. She excitingly stood up and came over to me.

"I ran into an old friend of mine. She's as talented as you are. She said she doesn't mind not being pay and she understands the schedule so some days she'll come in and help teach you the things I'm unable too. Not only that but she said that she could help you get into the collage of your choice as long as you have the requirements." I smiled to her.

"This is great! I'd love for this to happen!" I said happy. She smiled and we played piano. I was over joyed. All I wanted was to get into an amazing college for music.

Hey! So that was a nice little chapter! It took a lot out of my brain to think of all this! Feel free to comment how you think their first date should go! It would be great to hear what people actually think of my stories! And vote too!
Till next time

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