"Aww i love you too Danny Bear"

"Mom, I'm eighteen years old. Danny Bear? Really?"

"What? You used to love it when i called you that"

"That's when i was eight, mom. Ten years ago"

"Oh whatever. You're still my Danny Bear"

She then hugged me again and kissed me on my forehead. My nerves were starting to go away slowly. "Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!" Spot came to me jumping and barking up my leg. "Hey boy! What's up?" I lifted him up and put him over my shoulder as i walked to my room.

"You have no idea what I've been through these past couple of days", i started vented to Spot. "You have it so easy. You didn't have to go to school nor go to work. All you have to do is look cute and adorable, which you're doing a great job at by the way".

"Dogs are so much better listeners than humans", i said to myself. "I wish i was an animal. Maybe that way i didn't have to worry so much. Birds are cool. I wish i was a bird"

"Ruff ruff!"

"What? Birds can fly, dogs can't. Deal with it"

Spot rested his head on my lap as we both went on my bed to rest. I petted him as we both fell completely asleep.

An hour later

"Knock knock", my mother knocked on my door🚪. I woke up when i heard the knocking and i got up to look what she wanted.

"I made you lunch", she said.

I smiled happily.

"It's downstairs on the dining table"

"Thanks mom"

I went downstairs to eat. She made me a chicken sandwich ☺. Oh my gosh it smelled so good.

While i was eating, the doorbell rang. I got up to see who it was.
"I got it!", i shouted, so my mom knew i was gonna get the door.
"Okay honey!", she shouted back.

I opened the door to a bright warm smile. It was my bestfriend, Rowhel. I was so glad to see him.

"Hey punk!", he said. I immediately went for a hug. I was so glad to see him. Did i mention i was glad to see him?🙌😂

"Wow...someone's happy to see me", he giggled.

"You have no idea", i replied.

"I just decided to pay you a visit. It's been a while since i came here"

Rowhel used to live in my neighborhood, but he moved a year ago because his father got transferred to another firm. He's here visiting his cousins for the summer.

"I got something to tell you", he said to me.

"What is it? Wait...let's go upstairs to my room"


We both went upstairs. As he entered my room, Spot immediately started barking at him. "Ruff ruff ruff!"

"Whoa!", Rowhel yelled.

"Spot! Stop it! What is wrong with you?!", i shouted at Spot. He continued barking until i finally forced him out of the room.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what has gotten in to him", i told Rowhel.

"It's okay. Maybe he just forgot about me"

"Yeah, maybe. Anyways, you said you got something to tell me?"

"Oh yeah. It's good news so get excited"

"Thank God. I could use some good news"

"Sooo my dad got transferred back, so I'm coming back...to live!"

"Oh my God! That's awesome!"


"So when do you get to officially settle in back?"

"Umm Danny?"

"Yeah Helly?"

"We just got settled in"

"What?! You're kidding right?"

"No I'm dead serious right now. I wanted to surprise you. SURPRISE!"

"Hahaha. You. Are. Amazing."

"I know😊"

I was so happy. Rowhel had the power to make me forget about everything that was going on. I was lucky to have him as a bestfriend.

Thanks for reading guys
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You have no idea what's coming lol
Stay tuned 🙌

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