chapter 12

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I feel dumb and idiotic....why am I reacting like this.....I should know how to shut my heart break shouldn't affect blos or darry or Martha....i am genuinely happy that sky found love....I feel jealous a bit...I admit but I'll get over it...

Blos ,Martha and darry are going to their grandma's place...but for some strange reason they didn't invite me....I feel left out....I think they are giving me some space...some alone recover....blos even tried to set me up with a blind date on took me a couple of weeks to say yes....but she wouldn't be here to choose the outfit for me ...a blind date ....I said yes, just for her heart belongs to sky ....and I couldn't get over the fact any time soon....
She video called me every 3 hours so I don't feel that bad, missing her.....

The date night came and I stand near the park bench .....I got myself a choco vanilla ice-cream tub.....yum...I got it for my was completely frozen ...I waited for an hour and still no sign of him.... it's getting dark and grim... suddenly it started to rain....I checked my mobile only to see that the guy cancelled the date....I actually felt relieved that he is not showing up....thank heavens....I started to eat the ice-cream while the rain drizzled on me....then all of a sudden came Skylar....he had this death glare ....why is he even here I dreaming......I heard a slap sound followed by a sting on my cheeks....ouch...I yelped in pain....
"What were you thinking of yourself....want to get mugged or idiot....and who will eat ice-cream in the rain...that too in an abandoned park bench...."

"Wanna share the ice-cream with me..."

"W-what are unbelievable...go home kid"

"You want to eat ice-cream or not have this"

"I's pouring in here but you want me to eat ice-cream..."

"I know you like ice-cream ....just want to share it with you..."

He sat beside me and shared the ice-cream with me.....the rain was pouring from the sky felt so surreal and gave me chills in my spine.....who would have imagined Skylar storm would have ice-cream with me on a rainy day...alone in a park....he looked at me into my eyes....and tucked a loose strand of my hair .....we sat like that for what felt like a million years....

     Suddenly he got up and started to walk ...and I followed him like a puppy....geez have some dignity fel I cussed myself....we walked until we reached home....he gave me his old t-shirt since I was dripping wet....he then locked himself in his room ....I feel worried about him ....he is distancing himself from his family.... I can't figure out the reasons....I know he is wearing a mask ...but I will break his shell soon..

His birthday is only 2 weeks away so I planned to do something for him...I have this old ring that my grandma gave me years's very special to me and I want him to have it..  I video called blos and started to ramble.....god it's so dumb ...but just for sky ....after a long time I slept with a smile in my face...a genuine smile......


I was confused .... about everything around me....the thoughts of Felix filling my dreams... No I don't like him....I just have a soft corner towards this kid and that's it.....I feel so lonely .... Atleast I have my family around but without them I feel so empty wish I went with them ...but they strictly outed me from this trip....

And fel ..he was on a blind date and why is it bothering me ... what if his date is a serial killer....or what if he had a seizure .... what ifs ...they are ruining my brain....I started to walk aimlessly and reached the abandoned park ....the cold rain drenched me....I saw a figure sitting on a bench, eating a tub of ice cream in the's Felix.... because which idiot would do that in first place....I yelled at him as usual and slapped his cheek....what happened next is typical Felix style ....him  offering ice cream to me....I hesitated a bit...not because it's half eaten ...I sat with him and ate it's was a comfortable silence...I can see him smiling ear to ear...his lips laced with Rain drops....god I want to kiss him in the rain.

What ???!no ....I don't have feelings for this idiot....never....I tucked his stray piece of hair away from his beautiful eyes....I was his beautiful eyes and innocent smile.....If I still sat like this I would have kissed I stood and walk away in full pace...and ofcourse he followed me....I offered him my old t-shirt and I locked myself in my room because I don't trust myself....these feelings are new to me......I was physically touched before .... without my permission....but i never wanted to kiss someone...I never imagined that I would have this kiss someone so bad......Felix fenter what have you done to me......why me.....

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