Chapter 21 : Night Out (2)

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Little did I know that B.I was chugging the drinks down from one to another. I then whispered to him...

Y/N : "Yah, slow down on the drinks..."

B.I : "I'm fine..."

He then suddenly opened his jacket and put it on me. He smiled at me and pecked me in the lips.

B.I : "In case you're cold."

Everyone started to cheer and cringe around us and I was startled a bit by his actions but we continued to chat anyways.

After some drinks and chats, it was already 11.30 PM. Yura suggested we go home as it was late. I glanced at Hanbin beside me and he was totally drunk. Is he okay?

Junhoe and Bobby started to pick him up and pulled him but struggling to do so.

Junhoe : "Hyung, let's go back to the dorms 'kay? Just cooperate please."

Bobby : "Yah! I didn't know you were so heavy!"

Hanbin : "싫어~~" ( I don't want too~~)

I then approached them and tried to talk to my drunken boyfriend.

Y/N : "Oppa, you should go home now."

I said it cutely which is weird for me but I really hoped he would just go already!

Hanbin : "싫어!! I want to be with Y/N!!" 

He said that as he pouted. Ah.... Geesh! He's so drunk! I rubbed my nape in frustration as the boys kept trying but Hanbin didn't budge even a bit. I guess I'll bring him to my place then. I then sighed and said..

.Y/N : "Ok then, I'll take him boys."

Junhoe and Bobby looked confused as B.I pulled away from their grasp and back hugs me. I could hear him giggle away and I sighed.

Junhoe : "I'll call you a cab then, please send him back immediately tomorrow morning or not sajangnim will kill us!"I nodded and smiled.

Y/N : "Ok, but you should call another one for Yura here, she's unstable as well."

I looked at Yura who kept drinking while we tried to pull Hanbin and started to mutter to herself.

Junhoe : "It's fine, I'll get her home myself."

Y/N : "Woah... Junhoe-ssi~"

He chuckled as he was embarrassed. Bobby on the other side was kinda pouting as he said...

Bobby : "You guys are no fair! I'm so lonely here!"

B.I who was lying on my back then said in a chuckling voice...

B.I : "How about Yeonhee, hyung? Please just take her away! She's making me crazy!"

Bobby : "Yah! Don't say that about her!"

I sighed. 

Y/N : "Let's just go home okay? Bye guys! B.I c'mon! I can't lift you up so move!"

B.I then giggled and intertwined our fingers. He's really like a child when he's drunk. I then pulled him to the direction of the cab and we finally got in the cab after all the hardships. Good thing I didn't drink much. 

On the cab, B.I lied on my shoulder and slept away. We then finally arrived at my house and woke him up...

Y/N : "Yah, we're here."

He rubbed his eyes and I helped him out of the cab. I paid the driver and then lifted B.I inside my house. My parents were already asleep by that time so I had no problem getting him in. It's just that he's so heavy! I climbed the stairs one by one as I struggled lifting him. He fell once and winced. I kept saying sorry and continued to lift him. After a few minutes which felt like hours, we finally arrived at my room as I laid him on the bed.

Y/N : "Yah! Why are you so heavy!"

He then started muttering something...

B.I : "Don't..."

Y/N : "Huh?"

B.I : "Don't leave... don't leave me... Y/N..."

I looked at him, his eyes were shut as he said those words softly. I then could see tears from his eyes drop one by one.

B.I : "You're the only one I got... don't leave... please..."

It must be about the scholarship isn't it? My heart shattered as he kept repeating the same words over and over again while sobbing. I then took a tissue and wiped his tears. I sat beside him, brushed his hair slowly, and held his hand with my other hand. He stopped muttering and calmed down. He held my hand tightly and drifted off to sleep. As I kept brushing his hair, I felt bad for him. I thought he was asleep already but he muttered again...

B.I : "I love you... don't leave me..."

As he said that a tear dropped and I wiped it. I laid my head on his and said softly...

Y/N : "I won't leave you, I love you too"

I then thought, "Maybe scholarship isn't the best for me. He's the best for me. I'll decline it for you Hanbin-ah. You better be grateful, jerk."

I chuckled as I drifted myself to sleep.




That's the end...

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