Chapter 3 : First Kiss

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I froze. Is this guy out of his mind or what? Is he even the same guy? He freaking bullies me and now he says he likes me. It sounds so unreal to me.

Y/N : "Dude, did your head got hit by a rock or something?"

B.I : "No."

Y/N : "Well then you must be insane. How can you even like me? You tease me every time!"

B.I : "That's just a way to relieve myself."

Y/N : "Hah, yeah well, I don't believe you. All this time, those nonstop teasing and bullying just for this? Impossible. If this is a prank, hahaha you're doing great."

B.I : "Would you believe me if I do this?"

He then pulled my hand strongly, wrapped his arms around my waist, and KISSED ME!

#B.I's POV

Each day, this heart of mine gets out of control every time I'm around this girl. This makes no sense. I then decided that I should just give it a try and tell her. So after the first lecture, I went to Y/N and asked her to meet me. I couldn't believe that she agreed to it! I was so happy. I then waited for her at the gate patiently. She then came and I finally said that, the feelings inside my chest that I was longing to say. But she didn't believe me and I kinda expected it. All this time I was just being a jerk to her. What right do I have to say it? But I knew I couldn't turn back now. So, I pulled her closer and kissed her. It was unexpected move even for me. But I just had to it. She didn't do anything till a few moments later. She pushed me and said...

Y/N : "Yah! You're insane!"

She then left without saying anything else. I just stood there not knowing what to do nor feel.

#Your POV

WHAT DA HECK JUST HAPPENED? HE KISSED ME? My heart started beating fast. It was so annoying. "Stop it! Stop beating for him! Don't fall for him, Y/N-ah!" I thought. I rushed home and left him behind. I dropped my things and lay on the bad. I touch my lips. "That was my first kiss!" I thought. This is not how I imagined my first kiss to be like but honestly, it felt good. Agh! What am I thinking!? No way! I then held my heart and said to myself, "Why him from all people?"

Next day...

I went to school with lurking eyes. I was trying my best not to meet him but then suddenly there was a voice from behind me...

B.I : "Hey, Y/N."

I startled and looked back. Why? Ugh...

Y/N : "Yesterday was a dream right?"

B.I : "What? Oh that... No it was real. I really confessed to you."

He said it pretty loud and clear. Everyone around us immediately looked at us as they heard it. They started to whisper with each other while B.I just smirks.

Y/N : "Couldn't you keep quiet?"

B.I : "I'm the most popular guy in university, baby. It will come out eventually so why not now?"

Y/N : "Ugh! Jerk!"

I said as I rushed to class. I sat down in class ( Yura isn't in this class so she's not there ) and suddenly B.I came in, saw me, smiled and sat beside me.

B.I : "Hi, baby."

Y/N : "Stop it!"

His face then got serious.

His face then got serious

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B.I : "Y/N-ah, listen to me please, I really do like you. Can't you believe and accept me?"

Y/N : "Huh? Did I just hear something? Trust you? If you really like me then prove it."

B.I : "Prove what?"

Y/N : "Prove that you can change."

I said directly in his eyes.




That's the end...

This fanfic seems to move quickly, ain't it? 

Anyways, thx for reading <3

Stay tuned for the next one!

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