Chapter 34: Letter!

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Chapter Dedicated: S21anjum aayshsaaji mahimfahim 👈☝👆


AsSalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu!

Tell me your favorite story book/books name 😃?


A/N: This☝New Book cover is made by my Cuppycake -Sasstitude- :)
I'm in love with it. ❤_❤ She made three more ☺ ,you can check them out in her amazing book Randomness Overloaded :p the remaining covers.Jazakillahu Khairan my Cuppycake :) can't express in words how much I love them and love youhh

"Ask forgiveness for your sin and also for the believing men and women"

[Surah 47:19]

My Dearest Future Husband.

💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖My Dearest Future Husband

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My Expectations💕 are Not of a Princess.👑

I do Not Need all the Riches 💎 of the World🌏.

All I Ask is that you are Rich💰 with Knowledge🎓.

Please do Not Feel💭 Threatened by Labels🏆 and Certificates🎫.

They mean so much Less🔽 than the Knowledge🎓 of Islam📗 I pray you possess.

I pray 🙇 that you'll be my Other Half💑 who will Help me🚸 Answer our Children's'🚼 Questions when I have no Idea😰 what to say.

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