Chapter 32: Advice!

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Chapter Dedicated: Sajdah18 😊
My Favorite Aapi 😍😘😘 💋💋💋💓💓💖💓💖💖💓💞💓💓💕💖💓💗💓💗💋💓💋💓💗💖💓💋💓💋💋💓💋💋💓💖💓💓💖💖💖💓💕💖💓💖💋💋💗💋


AsSalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu!


A/N: Please Read this Chapter Carefully and don't Skip.
(✽ ゚д゚ ✽)

Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have enumerated in a clear register.
[ Surah Yasin, 36:13 ]


"O Womenfolk, if you knew the Rights that your Husbands have over you, Every one of you would Wipe the Dust from her Husband's Feet with her Face

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"O Womenfolk, if you knew the Rights that your Husbands have over you, Every one of you would Wipe the Dust from her Husband's Feet with her Face."

[ *Reported as sahih by Ibn Hibban, and with a jayyid isnad by al-Bazzar.
*Adh-dhahabi, Al-Kaba'ir, p. 151 ]

🌴 Aishah (ra) Urged Women to take Good Care of their Husbands and to Recognize the Rights that their Husbands had over them. She saw these Rights as being so Great and so Important that a Woman was barely Qualified to Wipe the Dust from her Husband's Feet with her Face, as she stated in Above given Hadith.

🌴 This is a Vivid Expression of the Importance of the Husband's Rights over his Wife.

🌴 Aishah (ra) wanted to bring this to Women's Attention, so as to Remove from the Hearts of Arrogant and
Stubborn Women all those Harsh, Obstinate Feelings that all too often Destroy a Marriage and turn it into a Living Hell.

🌴 Honoring and Respecting One's Husband is one of the Characteristic Attitudes of this Ummah.

(A/N : I'll try to Post Detailed Information on how Aishah (ra) Loved Cared and Respected Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in the next update [ Romance Part-3 ...] In Sha Allah. )


A Mother's Advice To Her Daughter For Marriage...

LOVE GOES BY MARRIAGE! ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant