Chapter 12: Romance (Part-1)!

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Chapter Dedicated: _Love_Whisperer_ @Dazzled_writer
_naughtygirly_ HerBroken_Heart shamapandu Momscrazygirl

AsSalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu!


Sayyidina Anas, narrates that Rasulullah said,

'On the Day of Qiyamah, a woman will first be questioned as to her Salaat, then she will be asked regarding her treatment of her husband.' (Qanzul Amal)




The Love Story of :

Prophet Mohammad (SalAllahu alaihi wassalam) and Aisha (radiAllahu anha)

Prophet Mohammad (SalAllahu alaihi wassalam) and Aisha (radiAllahu anha)

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Aisha(RA) and The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would use code language with each other denoting their Love.

She asked The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), "How would he describe his Love for her?"

The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) answered, saying,
"Like a strong Binding Knot."

The more you Tug it the stronger it gets.

Every so often,

Aisha(RA) would playfully ask,
"How is the knot?"

The Prophet Muhammad(SAW) would Answer,
"As Strong as the First Day (you asked)"



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