Chapter 25: Ramadan Nights!

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Chapter Dedicated: oumaima150
AyeshaButt123 Mocrogirl_tetouan ☝👆


AsSalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatahu!



A/N: This is your Eidi enjoy ! ; )


"Fasting and the Qur'an will intercede for the servant on the
Day of Judgement.
Fasting will say: My Lord, I prevented him from food and drink during the day, and the
Qur'an will say: My Lord, I prevented him from sleep during the night, so give us intercession for him. "
(Ahmad and Nisaaee).


See How Their Ramadan Nights Went! 😋

The Long Nights🌃 of Ramadan were like no other😍

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The Long Nights🌃 of Ramadan were like no other😍.

After their Fast 🍲 they would sit Next 💑 to Each Other...

Holding 👐 their Hands up🔝 in Dua🌜 ,beseeching their Lord.

He would then Pull 💪 her up ☝from her Musalla😆 and hand✋ her over the Quran📗.

He 👤 would Recite from hers👸,
She 👸 would Recite from his👤.

So that they both 💏 could increase💰 their Ajr 📝.

She👸 would cook🍝 him Iftar 🌝 and
he 👤would serve🍱 her Suhoor 🌚 .

And they both Spent💑 their Nights🌃 together👫 in Worship of Allah (SWT),
some of the most Blessed 💌 Nights of their Life💕.



Ramadan: A Husband's Perspective!

Ramadan: A Husband's Perspective!

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