What the future holds

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After high school me and natsu attend the same college. We both major in business so we can open our own business. We open Dragneel inc. we start it with a fitness club where we are personal trainers. Then we open a snack bar with our recipes featured on the menu. Then we published cook books and workout videos. Then came the food marketing. We had everything from snacks to frozen foods.

Now here we are 20 years later. Still happily married and sending our oldest son to college. We ended up having 4 kids. 2 girls and 2 boys. We had Natsu jr., Luna, Draco and Star. Thanks to all our hard work and some guidance from my father in law we are multimillionaires.

Lucy and Lisanna got out of prison. They tried to apologize and kiss up but we had them escorted from the building and a restraining order filed. It seems harsh but we don't trust them at all. We live in a mini mansion that sits on 5 acres of property. We have horses and lots of dogs we chose Dobermans because they are incredibly loyal and protective as well as tons of fun. We have maids and people to tend the horses.

Me and natsu work from home 98% of the time. The company practically runs itself. They only need us for big decisions so we are free roughly 80% of the time. We use that time to be with our kids and each other.

In case your wondering yes we did invite Mr. guildarts to the wedding. He was absolutely ecstatic and took pictures. Yes our essay is still hanging on his wall along with pictures of us at our wedding and a few photos of the family. He is always talking about us and how his essay changed our lives. We even go in and speak to the class from time to time. The kids really look up to us.

That's the story of how a essay changed everything and how a unintentional love turned into something amazing.

It's hard to imagine I was once the fat loner girl that no one liked and everyone ignored.

Take care everyone and remember: don't give up!

Unintentional Love✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now