The Weekend

879 27 6

Natsu's POV

I wake up to feel something warm and soft. A body pillow? No it feels firm in some spots. What is it? Whatever it is it's comfortable. I open my eyes and see Y/N asleep in my arms. What?! What happened yesterday? I lay there and think. Oh yeah we fell asleep watching movies. I texted my parents that I was at a friends house and Y/N allowed me to sleep in her bed with her. She really is comfortable and looks so peaceful. I look at the clock. 7am. Let's go take our walk!

" Y/N"


" Y/N."


"It's time to get up so we can go on our walk."

"Huh? Natsu?! What? How? HUH?!" She stammers.

Apparently she has a bad memory when she first wakes up to.

"It's ok we just cuddled and slept. Relax. Remember last night we fell asleep watching movies and I decided to stay the night?"

She looks at me blankly. "Oh yeah!" She finally says. "Did you sleep well?" She asks.

"Honestly yeah. I was really warm and cozy. Thanks to you." I say with a smirk and she blushes and looks away.

"It's time for our walk right? Out so I can get ready!" She shoos me out of the room.

I laugh and get ready. We do our normal walk. I'm really starting to enjoy these. It's fun getting to know her. She's really grown on me. From a shy quiet loner to a happy and talkative girl that's fun to be around. I've noticed her loosing weight to. Little by little. I guess she just needed guidance and encouragement.

We decide since there's no school to do some workouts in her place and then relax that late afternoon. She's surprisingly strong and flexible. She can dish out hits and dodge with the best. Remind me to never pick a fight with her. Ever. I see great things in her future if she continues down this path. Maybe I'll be her personal trainer. She deserves happiness and health.

It's now evening and we decide on chicken and broccoli for dinner. I again help her cook. It tastes so amazing once we start eating.



"Are we repeating what we did yesterday?"

"Looks like it huh?"

"Yeah. If you decide to spend the night again let your parents know ahead of time ok?"

"Ok I'll text them now." I say as I pull out my phone.

She looks at me with wide eyes. Then she smiles and shakes her head.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just. No ones ever spent so much time with me. It's nice to know you really like me and aren't taking advantage of me." She says.

She sounds like she wants to cry but she doesn't sound sad. She's happy?

"Hey. I really enjoy spending time with you. Plus it's for the project. I get to learn how amazing you are and I get to not fail school! I yell

"Oh yeah. The project. We should at least start on it huh?" She asks.

"We can do that tomorrow after our walk. For now it's movies and cuddles!" I say with my arms out.

She blushes bright red but still comes and sits by me. We chose romantic comedies today just cause there's new ones she wanted to see. I look down at Y/N laying on my chest and realize how pretty she is. She's not ugly at all inside or out. She's really nice and sweet and so much more.

Your falling for her natsu

No I'm not....

Yes you are. Just wait and see.

I'm nooooottttt

I look down and see her smile. She looks so cute.

Wait what?

Told you so

Shut up

Don't deny it. Your falling in love with a fat girl


"What's wrong natsu? Your growling and mumbling." She asks me. Clearly concerned.

"Nothing. I just remembered something. Don't worry." I assure her

"Oh. Ok. Hope your ok." She says and turns back to the movie.

She cares about you natsu. It's obvious.

No shit. Tell me something I didn't know.

Once she loses weight she's going to be smoking hot




"I'm sleepy"

"Let's go to bed then."

"Ok" she yawns

We head to bed and she lays on my chest. "Good night natsu" She says

"Good night Y/N"

"Love you...." She mumbles but I hear her

"Love you to..." I mumble back but I don't think she heard me

Do I love her? I can't deny that I like her. But love?
I don't know. She doesn't look like she will break my heart. She looks like she will treasure it for eternity.

But the project is about friendship not love relationships.

Save it to the end.

I don't know if I can or should.



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