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Natsu ended up staying with me the entire weekend. It felt weird but it also felt nice. No ones been this close to me before. Him sleeping in my bed with me felt so comforting. I'm honestly scared now because I feel like once the project is over he's going to abandon me like everyone else has. He still doesn't know I have a crush on him and I'm afraid to tell him. That crush has only grown now that we've gotten closer. I want him to be mine but I know he will reject me. I'm to self conscious to admit my feelings for him let alone that they have grown. I feel complete with him. Sigh. What do I do?

We spent Sunday working on the project after being woken up from our lovely cuddle session and doing our usual walk. I've noticed I've lost a little weight since I've been with him. I'm still considered morbidly obese but I feel better. No I'm not huge like you think. I'm still very mobile and have a figure. It's just covered with fat sadly. But that's changing.
Natsu decided to go home Sunday night but he will be back for our morning walk as usual.

I love this man.
Wait what?

Its Monday now. Natsu and I had our walk this morning and went about our normal routine. Now it's after school and we are at my place again. I feel like something is troubling him and as a friend I should ask.



"Is something wrong? It's looks like something is bothering you."

"No. I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me."

"Ok. Just remember I'm you friend. You can talk to me about anything." I say with a smile. He smiles back but it quickly turns into a frown.

" Y/N. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course natsu. Anything."

"Promise to answer me honestly?"

My heart jumped into my throat. "Yes I promise."

He takes a deep breath. "How do you feel about me?"

I gasp. I was afraid of this question. But I'll keep my promise.

"Honestly Natsu. I've had a crush on you for years. And. Since we've been friends my crush has only grown....I'm sorry."

He smiles. "Sorry for what? You don't need to be sorry. Honestly I'm relieved." He says

"What?! You are? Why?" I exclaim

"Because......I feel the same way." He says shyly.

I think I'm gonna faint

I start breathing fast. Deep breaths girl. Deep breaths.

"I never. Ever thought you'd actually like me. How? I mean I'm not your type! Look at me! I look nothing like Lisanna or Lucy. I don't deserve you!" I yell while fighting back tears. "I don't deserve someone so perfect..." I mutter.

"Hey now hold on. Don't put yourself down. You deserve happiness just like everyone else. I don't see myself as perfect. Not at all. And I don't care if you don't look like them because I see you for who you are. You taught me that looks don't matter and I'm sorry for being mean to you before. I didn't realize how beautiful you are on the inside." He gently grabs my face and smiles and kisses me.

Oh. My. Gosh. He's kissing me!

I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. He has his arms around my waist and I just melt.

Like I'm not mushy enough already!

We finally pull apart and my face is beet red. I never expected this. Not in a million years.

Unintentional Love✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now