The holidays with the Dragneels

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After the nearly horrible experience on thanksgiving I'm more fearful of parties. But now I don't have to worry about some random looser taking my virginity since Natsu took care of that on thanksgiving. You better believe he kept his word about making it memorable. I won't go into detail but it was the best night of my life.

School has been surprisingly quiet after Natsu's outburst that first day back. Everyone just leaves us alone. And everyone has noticed me changing. I've been earning looks from guys that make Natsu growl which makes me smile knowing he will protect me.

Now it's Christmas Eve. Yes we are having a big Christmas party. Yes I'm scared. No I'm not letting go of Natsu's hand the entire night. Natsu has been training me every day to fight and lose weight. I'm almost to my goal weight! I plan on being small but not to small. I still want some meat on my bones but it won't be fat. I'm replacing it with muscle. I need to be able to give people a run for their money. I'm ready if I get cornered again but I hope I don't.

Tonight I have on a sparkly ice blue dress with white flats and a blue necklace that sparkles like ice. I figured I'd theme my dress with the season. It's snowing outside. I love it when it snows on Christmas. Natsu is wearing a black suit with a red dress shirt. He looks so handsome. His eyes sparkle when he sees me emerge from the room.

"You look gorgeous." He whispers.

I blush and say "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself my dear."

"Don't call me that you sound like my mom." He pouts.

"Hehehe sorry" I reply with a giggle as we enter the party.

The night started off well. We had dinner and talked to people. We even kissed under the mistletoe. But we eventually got separated when I had to leave to use the restroom. When I came out Natsu was no where to be seen. I was suddenly grabbed around my waist and over my mouth.

"I hope you didn't forget about me darlin. I didn't forget about you." A guys voice says.

Oh no. He's back! I think to myself. I bite his hand and he let's go of my mouth "NATS-" I try to scream before my mouth is covered again.

I'm dragged into the gym again and a rag is placed over my face. "Nighty night!" I hear him say before everything goes black.

I wake up to loud crashing and screaming. I'm laying on the floor naked and somewhat bloody. I try to focus my eyes but it's hard. My vision is to blurry. I hear Natsu's mom near me and feel her cover me with a blanket.

"Natsu! Don't kill him!" I hear his mom yell.

"What happened? What's going on?" I ask groggily

"Oh thank goodness your awake! Natsu she's awake!" His mom yells and Natsu comes rushing over and wraps his arms around me. He's crying.

The police then walk in and arrest a bloody mess of a man in the corner of the room. They take me in for examination and questioning and they question everyone there. Apparently the man drugged me and was in the process of raping me when Natsu discovered us and beat the man near to death. I can imagine the anger and pain Natsu felt seeing me like that.

No one knows how the man got in but we now have a restraining order on him and we will be pressing charges to get him serious jail time. Natsu looked so upset the entire night. I can't blame him. I would be to. I got examined and luckily there was no trace of semen in me so Natsu got to me in time.

We manage to make it home just after midnight. I'm to groggy to worry about presents. There was still people there at the house. I just walked past them and went to bed with Natsu trailing behind me. He helps me change for bed because I'm really wobbly and groggy. He lays me in the bed and changes his clothes as well then lays down next to me.

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