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Major time skip
It is now October 30th. We are almost done with the assignment but are lacking what to write the last page about. One measly page!

"Wait natsu I've got it!" I suddenly yell


"He never said every single page had to be only writing! Let's make the last page a color photo of us together! We can even write a caption. I already know what to put!" I yell excitedly

"Your right! Let's do it!" He says with a smile.

We take out my digital camera and set it up on a countdown. He puts his arm over my shoulders and I put my arm around his waist like we are best friends and we both smile for the camera.


"Oh that came out great! I love it! Actually I think I'll use it as my phone wallpaper. Do you mind?" I ask natsu

"Actually I was thinking the same thing!" He smiles

"Yay!" I yell like a little kid which causes him to chuckle like a idiot at me.

I hook up the camera to my laptop and upload the image. We add the image to the assignment and I email the image to me and Natsu.

For the caption I put:
Friends come in all shapes, sizes and colors. We shouldn't judge someone by their appearance alone be they scary or ugly. We should extend a welcoming hand to them and show them love through friendship and we just may be surprised what lies underneath that harsh exterior. By offering them friendship we may just find a whole different person underneath. Friendship itself is a wonderful and powerful thing that everyone should experience. No matter who they are.

Y/N and Natsu 10/30/17

I put the caption and printed out all 50 pages. I know the caption is long but so what. We are very happy with the results. Lots of hard work but also lots of fun. Today is Saturday and the assignment is due Monday and tomorrow is Halloween. Speaking of which.

"Natsu. What do you want to do for Halloween?" I ask him while stapling the assignment together.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it." He replies

"Well, we are to old to trick or treat and I'd rather avoid parties..."

"How about we just get a few sweets and have a horror movie night?" He asks

"Ugh. Fine. Just no paranormal ones ok?"

"Ok" He says with a chuckle

It's now Halloween. We decide to stay to ourselves today and just went to the store and got a small container of cupcakes for after dinner. For dinner we made lasagna from scratch and garlic bread. It came out pretty good. Natsu really knows how to cook and follow recipes perfectly. For movies we found a channel on tv that had a horror movie marathon that included every single Halloween movie. During the movie I had a question.

"Are you nervous about our relationship becoming public natsu?"

"Not at all why?"

"Just asking." I say as I nuzzle his chest. I think I'm nervous enough for both of us.

Natsu stayed the night with me even though it was Sunday. We lost track of time and it was 1am when we decided to look again.

We woke up at 6am so he can go home and change. We made it to school and turned in our assignment. Luckily the class was before lunch so we agreed to surprise Grey and Gajeel with the news by heading to the table together holding hands. Kind of a silent announcement thing.

Boy were they surprised. Their expressions were priceless. They were so happy for us they could hardly contain it. I can't say the same for everyone else though. As soon as girls saw me holding his hand they gave me evil looks and started whispering.
So it begins. I think to myself. We explained to the boys the entire plan of keeping it a secret until after the project was done because we knew we would get negative feedback from everyone else.

They were kinda mad about not being told but understood our concern. I excused myself to the bathroom but since the cat was out of the bag natsu insisted on giving me a kiss beforehand. Oh did that create a commotion. I decided to rush to the bathroom and rush back but it didn't work out that way. I was cornered after using the toilet by none other than Lucy and Lisanna.

"Don't think your hot stuff just cause you somehow managed to seduce Natsu you fat bitch!" Lucy yelled at me

"I didn't seduce him!" I yell back

"Don't give us that shit. Why else would he want someone that looks as nasty as you do?" Lisanna snapped back

"Why don't you ask him yourself? I have no business here anymore. Bye!" I yell and try to leave.

But I'm stopped by Lisanna pulling my hair. I turned around and slapped her and she let go but Lucy grabbed my wrist and slapped me. Oh it's on! I yell in my head. I grabbed Lucy's hair and pulled her twords me then I kicked her in the stomach which caused her to fall backwards on Lisanna. I rushed out of the bathroom but they were right on my heels.

They grabbed my hair again and I screamed. I wasn't far from the table so Natsu heard me and rushed over along with Grey and Gajeel. I managed to turn around and give Lucy a firm slap on the face to get her to let go of my hair and Natsu picked me up and held me while Grey grabbed Lisanna and Gajeel grabbed Lucy. A teacher soon ran over and escorted us all to the office. Since there was numerous witnesses they didn't punish me or the guys just Lucy and Lisanna for attacking me.

"Man. Not even a few minutes after you guys make it public the poor girl gets attacked." Gajeel says as we walk back the class.

"I knew this would happen. I just didn't think it would happen so soon.." I say sadly

"I'm sorry I have such horrible ex's." Natsu says.

"It's not your fault Natsu. They're your ex's for a reason and you were just reminded of those reasons." I say with a weak smile

"You're right. But I still feel bad." He says. I wrap my arm around his waist and he wraps his arm around my shoulder

"We will be ok as long as we have each other." I tell him.

The storm has started

Unintentional Love✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now