Returning to school

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Well. Saturday night was interesting. No we didn't do it But Natsu sure learned how to make me squirm. Natsu did keep the condoms his dad slid to us "just in case"

Since I live with natsu now things are easier. We still get up about 6am for our walk but now we also are able to use the gym when it's to cold or it's raining. Today it was cold and raining so we worked out in the gym downstairs. I got some hits in on the punching bag and again natsu commented about how strong I am. I just smiled and continued beating the bag up until he told me to kick it. When I kicked it I actually knocked him down.

"Sorry!" I yell

"Don't be. That was amazing! I never knew you had that much leg power!" He yells. I blush.

We finish our workout and shower and head to school. Ready to face the world together. No doubt people are going to know about Lucy and Lisanna and try to blame us for it.

English class held something interesting though.

"Class I have something to say" the teacher says as we take our seats. He has something framed on the wall with a sheet over it.

"I have read through your essays over the weekend and one has caught me by surprise. A good surprise I might add. I'm thankful that the people who wrote it are here today considering the tragic events that happened to them over the weekend. Y/N and Natsu please come up here." He says and motions for us to come. I grab Natsu's hand for support and we walk up there.

"Are you two in a relationship now?" The teacher asked in a surprised voice but with a smile.

"Yes sir we are." Natsu says. I hide behind him blushing like crazy.

"Well then that's one for the books!" He says with a smile. "These two wrote a wonderful essay about friendship and the magic it contains. They wrote about accepting people for who they are and not how they look. Seeing them here today hand in hand brings a smile to my face. The last page of their essay is what I have framed here and I will keep framed in my classroom as long as I am a teacher for it shows how people can change and gives a message of love and friendship!" He pulls the sheet of and there on the wall is a enlarged print out of the last page of our essay with a picture of us smiling and hugging each other.

"These two didn't even speak to each other before I gave the assignment and now look at them. A happy couple!" He says with a big smile.

I just continue to blush and hide behind Natsu while holding his hand. "You two may sit down now. Oh and if you two ever get married invite me to the wedding please." The teacher says with a smile.

"Of course sir. We wouldn't be there without you." Natsu says with a big grin. I just pull my hoodie over my face and hide.

At lunch we were getting the usual whispers until someone yelled "you bitch you got Lucy and Lisanna arrested!"

Natsu yelled back "They wouldn't have gotten arrested if they hadn't tried to burn us alive!"

The cafeteria went silent. "You heard right. They tried to kill us by setting fire to the apartment. They knew we were asleep in there and still set it on fire. Learn both sides of the story!" He yelled and then sat down at the table.

Everyone was silent for a while then went back to normal chatter. "Thank you Natsu" I say as I sit next to him.

"No problem babe." He says as he kisses my cheek.

After school we head home. We told his parents what the teacher did and said and his mom squealed.

"Ooooooohh are you two going to get married?!" She squeals.

Unintentional Love✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now