Keeping it secret

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Lunchtime at school has become more and more difficult. All because natsu can't stop hugging me. Every time he sees me he hugs me and I blush like a idiot. Luckily it's been getting colder so I have a excuse to wear a hoodie and it helps cover my red face and keeps me from seeing all the evil looks. Especially the death glares from Lucy and Lisanna that have become more and more intense.

Today I was at the table before him talking to Grey and Gajeel. It's amazing how I went from fearing them to seeing them as good friends in such a short time.

Anyways I'm just leaning on the table ready to go grab my food and natsu is going to hug me from behind and say "did you miss me?"

I locked up and blushed beet red. I was right in front of Grey and Gajeel and they saw me and started chuckling.

"Y-yeah. I-I did. Gotta go get my lunch!" I stammered like a idiot while pulling my hoodie up and rushing off. I can hear them laughing as I leave. Natsu your so dense I swear!

Natsu's POV
"I wonder what got her all worked up?" I said to Grey and Gajeel. They looked at me with raised eyebrows. "What?!" I yell.

"Honestly man your such a idiot." Grey says while shaking his head.

"What you call me?!" I yell

"Bro settle down. He just means your clueless." Gajeel said

"You wanna pick a fight to?!" I snap back

"No ones picking a fight. Sheesh. Dude don't tell me you haven't noticed she has a crush on you? It's literally written all over her face." Grey says before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"S-she does? But....we're just friends." I say with shock knowing full damn well I'm not shocked about it. I just love to get her flustered.

"Dude you are blind. Haven't you noticed she gets red as a tomato every time you touch her?" Gajeel says

"Yeah but I never thought of why. What do I do?" I say to them as I lay my head on the table.

"Well do you like her back?" Gajeel asks before Grey could

I blush a little though I try not to "I think so. Yeah. She's really cool and fun to be around. Heh. I never would of guessed she'd be so awesome for such a loner. I'm glad we got the assignment together. I got to meet a amazing person." I say with a smile.

"You do like her!" They yell in unison

"Shush up!" I whisper yell to them

"You need to ask her out. She will be so happy!" Grey yells

"Maybe. I don't know." I say

"What's stopping you?" Grey asks

"The ex patrol. Lucy and Lisanna. They will give her hell. I can't do that to her." I explain.

"Good point." They say together.

Your POV
I got my lunch of a sandwich and apple slices and apple juice and head back. I see the 3 of them talking. They look so serious. I hate to disturb them but I have no where else to eat at. I never used to eat lunch before. I walk up slowly and the last thing I hear is "good point" coming from Grey and Gajeel.

"What's a good point?" I ask.

"Nothing!" All 3 of them say at the same time which causes me to giggle. I sit down next to natsu and start eating. I notice him blushing and blush myself.
I eat my food and look up to see Grey and Gajeel look at each other and chuckle.

"Whats so funny?" I ask

"You two are so cute together." Gajeel says with a grin. Which causes me to bury my face in embarrassment.

"I'm not cute..." I mutter.

Natsu hugs me "Yes you are.." he whispers. Then the bell rings.

"Gotta go! See you guys later!" I yell as I run off.

After school I meet up with natsu as usual. But this time he grabs my hand and pulls me along telling me to hurry up. I rush off with him holding my hand and pulling me close behind.

"What was that all about??" I ask once we reach my apartment.

"Grey and Gajeel caught on that we like each other and I didn't want to tell you with all those students around." Natsu says while taking off his jacket

"Oooooohhhhh that explains it. So what do we do?" I ask

"I guess just leave them alone. Let them be surprised when we tell them we are already together." Natsu says while pulling me close and giving me a kiss.

"I wonder how long we can keep up the charade." I say while kissing him back.

"Not much longer..." he replies.

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