Giving it a chance

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I awoke to banging at more door. Ugh. What time is it? I glance at my alarm clock. 6:30am. Who the hell is here at this hour?! I grab my Bowie knife I have for emergencies ready to stab the attacker and head to the door.

"Who is it?!" I ask with no fear in my voice.

"It's natsu!" What? I open the door. Sure enough there he is.

"Out of bed sleepy head it's time for our walk!" He says with energy.

"Natsu. The sun isn't even up!" I complain while motioning him to come in.

"So what?! Get dressed and let's go!"

"Ugh. Fine. Let me go change." I say while putting the knife away. He sees it and his eyes get wide.

"What's with the machete?!" He asks sounding afraid.

"Bowie knife and I was ready to stab you if you were a robber. A girls gotta protect herself you know." I say with a wink "be lucky I like you. Anyone else wouldn't be so lucky!" I say with a laugh and head into my room to change.

After I change we head out for a walk. He convinced me to go to the store with him and get fruit for breakfast. I agree of course. It was fun walking and talking with someone. It's definitely a big change than being gloomy and alone all the time. He kept his word about smiling more which makes me happy. We end up walking around until 7:15 then head back to my place to get our backpacks and we walk to school. It definitely earned us some weird looks walking to school together.

I whisper to Natsu "sorry if being my friend ruins your reputation."

And amazingly he says "don't worry about it. I don't care what people think. I made you a promise and I plan on keeping it." He says with a smile.

I'm shocked. He's willing to sacrifice his reputation to help me as long as I help him pass. I suppose it's a fair trade.

At lunch he invites you to sit with him and his friends. I go but I basically just stay near or behind natsu and hardly say anything. After all my contract is with him and not them.

After school we walk back to my place again. "What was wrong at lunch?" He asks

"Honestly natsu? You want me to be honest?" I ask and he nods his head yes

"I'm scared of your friends. I feel like they hate me or want to hurt me....Like everyone else has..." I tell him.

He looks at me and says softly "I'll talk to them and tell them to take it easy on you. They won't hurt you. Not while I'm around." Then he smiles. That smile tells me everything will be ok.

We get home to my apartment and have a great time talking and laughing and discussing the project. I even helped him with his homework and amazingly he helped me with math. We actually had fun together. For the first time in my life I feel like I actually have a friend.

The next day was the same. I set my alarm for 6:30 and right when it went off he was at the door. I smiled and answered the door. He greeted me and I invited him in while I changed. I got dressed quickly and we enjoyed our walk. We are getting to know each other well and he's not as bad as I thought.

Today at lunch I relaxed a bit. I still sat near natsu like he was my life force. He didn't mind which I'm thankful for.

After school today we had a lot of homework so we helped each other out with that and didn't think much of the project.

Time skip to Friday. 6:30am I'm awake and dressed and await natsu at the door.

"Hey! Your up! Let's go!" He says while waving at me. I rush up to him and give him a hug.

Unintentional Love✔️ (Natsu x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now