thirty six

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When I graduated, I felt only a sense of relief. I wasn't really sure what I was relieved for though. Finally school was done, i could be relieved for that. I was also relieved to now be able to get straight into music and not have the stresses and doing it from distance.

"I'll be back for Thanksgiving and my birthday," I promised everyone. All my friends had come to my house to have a small goodbye party the day I was to leave.

"We're going to miss you so much," Bridget hugged me as I stood in the entrance hallway of my house, with my suitcase by my side. "I'm going to miss you,"

One by one, every said their goodbyes until only Matt and my parents were left. Mom and Dad were originally going to come with me, until Dad kinda forfeit his plane ticket to Matt when we realised how upset he was over me leaving.

Standing at the car, Matt was putting his weekend bag in the trunk next to my suitcase while Dad and I stood face to face.

"I'm going to miss you so much Gogo," Dad kissed the top of my head, squeezing me in a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you more," I squeezed him, burying my head in his chest.

"Don't have too much fun without me,"

"Never," I shook my head playfully, giggling, feeling a twang of sadness.

"Come on, we need to go!" Mom called me from the driver's seat, Matt sitting in the back.

"Okay, I love you, you're going to have the time of your life. Stay safe and call me when you land," Dad listed, as I opened the cat door.

"I love you too,"

The final night, Mom and Matt were in New York, Matt and I lay in my bed, drunk. We'd gone out with our fake ID's and now we were naked and terribly nostalgic.

"I'm going to miss going down on you," Matt chuckled, kissing my bare shoulder.

"That all?" I giggled, nestling my head in the crock of his neck, leaving him little kisses.

"I'm going to miss everything," Matt enveloped me in his arms, pulling me on top of him. "I'm not going be able to listen to your music- or any music for that matter without missing you,"

"I'm going to only ever listen to your music and it'll make me feel really sad, but that's how i'm going to cope with it," I inhaled his scent, feeling his soft chest underneath my cheek. "Can I have a t shirt of yours?"

"Wouldn't a jumper be more useful in New York?" Matt relaxed his grip on me, the two of us on our backs.

"Can I get both," I sidled up to him, pulling the covers over us.

"Of course you can princess," Matt kissed my head, getting up on his elbow, kissing me properly. "But can I get the one you stole a month ago?"

Between kisses, I pulled him closer. "Yeah, you can have that. I doesn't smell like you anymore,"

"Even better, I have Margot scented sweater," Grinning, Matt pecked my lips once more.

"We can be the sisterhood of travelling pants. I'll mail you the sweater when it doesn't smell like you anymore," I joked, lying on my back, the two of us now side to side.

"I'm going to wear it everyday," Matt got up off the bed, pulling on a pair of boxers, throwing me a shirt of his to wear. Picking up a hoodie from his weekend bag, Matt carefully folded it up, putting it on the top of my dresser.

"Matt?" I sat up, my voice weak as I brushed my hair out my face, his shirt on me.

"Yeah?" I responded, sitting on the bed, concerned.

"Is everything going to be okay?" I sighed, looking at my lap, hair covering my face. "Are we going to be okay?"

"If we want it to be okay, we're going to make it,"

"Matt, I'm just so scared," I turned away from him, not wanting him to see me on the verge of tears. "I love you so much,"

"I promise you that as long as we are in it together, everything's gonna be okay,"

"I trust you, but I'm still scared," I confessed, Matt putting a hand on my back to coax me into looking at him. He was right, we just had to trust each other.

yo, its been a while hasnt it. Kinda went through alot. a breakup, did alot of drugs, lots of shit. heres what i got. Tell what you guys think, i need your opinions.

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