twenty six

549 19 0

We drove to mine at seven o'clock, and arriving, we parked on the street, walking up to the front door.

"I wonder if anyone is here yet," I said, crossing the road, wearing my new skirt, my arms intertwined with Bridget and Jaden's. None of them replied.

Knocking at the door, I didn't understand why we were doing so, The door would already be unlocked. Hearing footsteps approach, Mum opened.

"Hi guys!" She greeted, her arms open, hugging each one of us.

"Can I come into my own home?" I frowned, walking past her into the hallway.

"Wait!" Mum grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to her.

"What?" I snapped.

"Wait for us," Bridget sidled up to me, looping her arm in mind, Jaden doing the same.

Finally, Mum lead us to the Kitchen and upon entering we were welcomed with a rousing cheer.

"Happy birthday!" There, in my kitchen was all my friends, my Dad and Grandma. They had organised this.

Throughout the living room and Kitchen, they had festively adorned the room with balloons and streamers as well as lighting up the room with the colourful lights grandma had in the attic. On the living room wall was a banner that spelt out 'Happy New Year!'. On the centre of the table, were the flowers Matt had given to me on the centre of the table. It was all rather humble, yet sweet.

"Guys!" I beamed, looking all around me. "What the hell? You did not have to do this,"

"We all just wanted to," Matt approached me, squeezing me in a hug. "Happy Birthday,"

"Margot," Joba interupted. "We have something to show you,"

"Guys, if you have anymore surprises for me, I'm going to spontaneously combusted," I announced, following everyone into the living room where Dad was sitting at his piano, everyone crowding around the piano, including Mom and Grandma.

"Are you ready?" Dad asked everyone, being answered with a cheer.

Dad began with the initial chords and melody on the piano before beginning a virtuoso cadenza that sustained for a entire minute before going back into the normal song, everyone beginning to sing 'Happy Birthday' with Dad's fantastic accompaniment.

Holding their final and slightly out of tune final note, I was beaming.

"This is the Brockhampton people will be paying for!" I jumped up, hugging everyone.

As per my family's tradition we opened presents as we ate dinner. Bringing in the desk from the studio downstairs, we were only able to fit everyone if we pushed the desk up against the dinner table and squeezed chairs up against each other from all over the house.

Everyone's generosity was overwhelming. From Ameer, I was given a pack of cd's which he described as 'the greatest female singers he's ever heard'. From Merlyn, he gave me a three month free subscription to Apple Music and from Joba, he gave me two Albert Camus books. I was given a large, insulating portable coffee cup from Ian since he was fully aware of my caffeine addiction. Next was Matt's present.

"So, I had no idea on what to give you, but then I realised that the shoes you skate in are pretty wrecked, so I got you these," Matt explained, giving me a bag with the Vans logo on it.

Matt hadn't wrapped it, but it didn't matter. Taking the box from the bag, I sat it on my lap.

"I was going to get you the classic black ones or the checked one but I saw these ones and I couldn't go past these GOLF ones.

The shoes were bright blue on the cap and heel with red and white checkers on the side.

Slipping off the OFF-WHITE sneakers I always wore, I put on Matt's van's. They fit perfectly.

"Thankyou so much," Leaning over, I pecked Matt's lips, embracing him tight.

After dinner, we all hung out in the living room, even grandma was awake long past her bedtime.

"Okay kids," Mom sauntered in with two bottles of champagne. "I know only one of you guys are eighteen, but if any of you would like a glass of champagne, I will turn a blind eye,"

Everyone was apprehensive to sound too excited for a drink, but they all accepted what they were offered.

Until late, we hung out and by midnight, we were all getting tired, so in an effort to get home, Mom and Dad split up everyone and drove them home, leaving Matt and I at our house.

"So I have something else for you," Matt turned to me, the two of us on the couch.

"You spoil me too much," I beamed, snuggling up closer to him.

"I'll spoil my girlfriend on her birthday as much as I want to," Matt smirked, pulling a small black box from his pocket.

"Okay, Mr Boyfriend," I smirked playfully, kissing his cheek. Giving me the small rectangular box, I simply stared.

"Take it," Matt prompted to me.

The small black box in my hand, I opened it to reveal a cassette inside.

"Since you have a cassette player, I decided I could make you an actual mixtape," Matt's voice softened.

I could feel my heart press on my ribcage and as if I wanted to cry. Standing, I went over to the cassette player, turning it on before take the cassette to put it in.

"Are you sure you want to listen to it now?" Matt asked, stopping me from pressing play.

"You want me to listen to it when you're not around?" I put the cassette back in it's case.

"Could you?" Matt scratched the back of his head nervously.

"That's okay," 

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