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On Sunday, I was woken up by my Mum knocking on my bedroom door.

"What!" I groaned, turning over, stuffing my face into my pillow.

"Matt is here," She called. "He's coming to pick you up,"

"Can you just tell him to come up," I replied, irritated. "But he's only allowed in if he has coffee,"


Most mothers would think twice about having their daughter's boyfriend upstairs in their daughter's room, however my Mom was fully aware that without my coffee, I wouldn't be up to do anything let alone boning. Telling get out of bed, I just couldn't. I had zero willpower.

There was another knock on the door.

"Come in," I called, perhaps a little aggressive. Peeking in as he opened the door, it was Matt.

"I have coffee," He entered, a little apprehensive to my morning self.

Rubbing my face, I took the coffee from Matt, pecking him on the lips having the realisation that I was currently looking like shit and I didn't care.

By the time we left, we were already late and running downstairs to Matt's car, we drove to Merlyn's hurriedly.

Merlyn lived in the other side of The Woodlands in a newer, more recently built area. It was nice.

"Can you help me bring the food in from the back," Matt asked, unbuckling his seatbelt.

In the back seat, there were multiples shopping bags as well a cake box.

"How much food do we need?" I looked at the multiple bags in the back, standing beside Matt in the open door.

"You'd be surprised," Matt joked, wrapping his arm around me. Taking the cake box, I stepped back, letting him take the bags of food.

Walking to the door, Matt opened it for me, following him in.

Everyone was in the kitchen, watching us as we entered. Putting down the cake box on the counter, Matt put the bags on the floor everyone's eyes following us as we moved. Meeting eyes with me, Jaden, Bridget and I shared knowing smiles.

"Happy birthday Merlyn," I went up Merlyn, giving him a hug.

"Happy birthday bro," Matt followed me to Merlyn.

"So you two came together," Merlyn commented, examining Matt and I.

"Yeah," Matt scratched the back of his neck.

Looking over to Mat, we shared a look, creating the question between us, What do we say?

Looking from Matt to Bridget to Jaden, Bridget and Jaden sniggering, Matt wrapping a hand around my waist gaining reactions from the entire group.

"Yo, its okay, we get it, you two are fucking," Ameer hollered, making me furiously blush, hiding my face in matt's hoodie.

No one really cared about Matt and I announcing our 'relationship'. Frankly because they had all seen it coming. They knew at least one of us liked the other and had also noticed our growing relationship, friendly or romantic.

Merlyn's birthday celebrations consisted entirely of eating and hanging out. Frankly, it was what we did whenever we hung out and none of us minded.

"Wait so you're only turning seventeen?" I asked Merlyn, the entire group sitting in his living room eating cake.

"Yeah, " Merlyn said, brushing a hand over his buzzed hair.

"Wait, when's your birthday Margot?" Ian asked, his arm around Jaden, the two of them snuggled up cozily.

"November 19," I told them, everyone taking out their phone and putting it in their phone. "But I'm turning eighteen this year, but who cares about my birthday, it's Merlyn's,"

Exchanging gifts, I had written a card for Merlyn last night but I did feel guilty for not being able to get him an actual gift since everyone else had given him gifts.

One by one gifts were given. Ian had given Merlyn a really cool t-shirt from a niche Streetwear brand. Additionally, he was given a special edition record from Matt, well as a box set from Ameer, a book from Joba and multiple other things.

When it came to my card for Merlyn, I was slightly nervous.

"I'm sorry, but I was only able to get a card, so I owe you one," I apologised, passing him a card.

"No, it's not a problem," Merlyn promised graciously, taking my card. Watching him open it, I was nicely surprised by his smile as he read it.

"Margot, this is so kind," Merlyn smiled, shuffling towards me, giving me a hug.

"You're more than welcome," I squeezed him in our friendly embrace.

"This is more than what I could ask for," Merlyn said, grinning.

"You're welcome," I replied, sitting back next to Matt who wrapped his arm around me.

Kindly, Merlyn's mum had made dinner for all of us and we got to hang out until late, eating his mum's amazing food.

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