twenty two

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Soon enough, Matt wasn't in the mood for a movie either. All it took was for me to get up on top of his lap, and by putting my mouth on his, he knew my intentions.

Everyone always goes on about how incredible the first time having sex with someone is, but someone should really talk about the second time. There were something about the second time where things were still new and fresh, but you were a bit more familiar. You didn't think twice about undressing one another or touching each other.

Afterwards, Matt laid in bed while I put on his t-shirt going into the bathroom. Walking in, I immediately saw myself in the mirror with several dark hickeys. Going to the toilet and cleaning up a bit, I walked back in to my room with a smirk across my face.

"You're damn lucky my Mom's away, because if she saw this shit, she would not be impressed," I pointed to my neck before looking at my own hands work.

"I would say the same for myself,"

"Touché" Rolling my eyes, I sat back in bed with Matt, kissing him.

"Are you okay though?" Matt examined me, suddenly concerned. "Did I take it too far?"

"I could ask you the same," I brushed a hand across his upper chest where I had left little bruises across his collar, cuddling up to him.

Matt and I eventually watched one of the movies he brought and hung out in my room. Sitting in bed, we talked for a little while until both of our phones started going off. Taking them both, we checked to see what it was. Ian had created a group chat.

yo can we hang out tomorrow

i'm up for it, but i'm meeting
nick in the evening

Looking over Matt's shoulder, I read the messages on his phone.

"They could come over here?" I suggested to Matt, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"It's your house not mine,"

my parents
and grandma are away, y'all can
come over tomorrow

Ian: im in

me too

okay, well just come by at ten

"What are your morals on weed?" Matt asked, taking my phone from me, putting it down on my bedside table.

"Babe, I'm from California and I lived in Portland. Of course I like weed," I giggled. It was only seven o'clock and neither of us were tired.

"Babe?" He rose an eyebrow, leaning on his elbow.

"Do you not like it?"

"It's cute," He smirked, leaning over to kiss me.

"So do you want weed?" I got out of bed, pulling on his t-shirt which I had flung on the floor earlier.

"I thought you didn't like smoking?" Matt brought up.

"I was trying to make conversation," I justified, walking over to my dresser, opening the bottom drawer to take out my stash. "I mean I don't really like tobacco myself, but I'm not like... morally opposed to it,"

"I thought you didn't like smoking so I didn't smoke around you," Matt told me, as I put the box of weed on the end of the box.

"You can smoke around me," I shrugged, taking a joint and lighter from the box.

"Oh, okay," He smiled, as I put the joint in between my lips.

Sitting next to him, I lit the joint inhaling a mouthful of smoke. I hadn't smoked since Portland and now smoking, it felt better than I remembered. Getting stoned with Matt was something I didn't know I needed to do, and god, did we get high.

After two joints between the two of us, we were hungry and going downstairs, we sat on the kitchen floor eating cold, leftovers.

"Pot makes everything taste better," Matt said, a joint in one hand and a mouthful of food.

"Thats one of the very great pros of weed," I leant back on the kitchen cupboards, taking the joint from it. Across from me, Matt was just smiling, chuckling to himself. It was the pot.

"What?" I asked, grinning at the sight of him.

"You're the fucking best," He grinned cheekily, sliding up next to me. "Like, you're the best girlfriend ever, you're best person in the world, you're just the best," Matt rested his head in the crook of my neck, kissing my already bruised neck.

"Is this the pot?" I brushed my hands through his hair, kissing his forehead.

"No, I'm just sitting next to the most amazing person ever," He said in a little soft voice, resting his head in my chest.

"You're so high," I giggled. So was I.

"Just look at you, look at this body," He lay in my lap, running his hand across my mid section with a light touch.

"Oh babe," I shook my head, admiring him as he looked up to me, a slight haze of marijuana smoke around us. "If only you knew,"

"Knew what,"

"How fucking great you are," I leant over to kiss him, putting a hand on his stomach. "You're the best. You cuddle me in bed all night. You're a great big spoon, like I'm sure you'd want to be spooned, but you still spoon me. You're just so beautiful. Since when were guys so beautiful. Wow,"

Holy shit I was high. I didn't even think twice on my words. It was perhaps the best night I had had in a very long time.

a/n: HOLY SHIT 2K reads is blowing my mind.

thank you for reading, I'm kind of shocked so thank youso much for reading this far.

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