twenty four

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"We have to do something" Bridget insisted, sitting in a booth at Stevies with the entire group, four days before my birthday.

"I don't know why we need to celebrate. All you need to do is say Happy Birthday at very most," I argued, sipping my milkshake.

"Okay, well what do you normally do?" Bridget asked. We had been discussing my birthday for the last half hour and it had turned into Bridget interrogating me while everyone listens.

"Grandma might make a cake and my parents give me a present, but its never anything big," I explained. Matt's arm was wrapped tightly around me and my body leaned comfortably on his.

It had been two weeks since my parents had gone to New York and Grandma was fine. We were able to find a specialist in the state and now she was able to take the drugs she had been given and go to twice weekly check-ups. They got back the Tuesday after they left and everything was going normally.

The conversation inevitably died down and eventually I was in Matt's car, about to drive home.

"So am I allowed to get you anything?" Matt asked as he pulled out of his parking spot outside Stevie's.

"I'm not going to stop you, but you don't have to," I told him, I reached over to put a hand on his knee.

"That's a bit late," He smiled, chuckling to himself. "Anyway, what are you guys doing on Friday?" Matt referred to my birthday.

I shrugged, remaining silent.

We were silent until we got home and kissing him, I walked up to my front door, leaving him in his car.

I didn't feel like there was an issue. It was my birthday and I had told them that they could come over on Friday and have dinner as well as there would be cake. That seemed like enough for me but I knew their interest was just them showing affection.

An hour after I arrived home, it was dinner time.

"Matt called me this afternoon, just after you got home, "He was asking what we were doing on Friday,"

"And?" I rose an eyebrow. Part of me was a little annoyed that he had to go and ask my mum, but then, I realised that that was him making an effort.

"I told them that we're having dinner and giving presents, our own little festivities," Mum explained.

"Oh," I nodded, looking down to my plate.

"Why did he call me instead of asking you?" Mum asked, confused.

"I don't know," I lied, shrugging.

"It seemed like he wanted to do something for you birthday," Mum said, taking a sip of water. "I don't know if I was supposed to say anything,"

After dinner, I felt guilty. I shouldn't have just brushed off Matt like that. Taking my phone, I texted him:

Me: I'm sorry I was brushing you off like that, nothing personal I promise, just wasn't in the mood for birthday talk.

Sending the text, Matt called me within seconds.

"Are you okay?" Matt began on the phone, the moment I answered.

"Hi to you too," I tried to smile.

"I just got your text, is everything okay?" Matt sounded more concerned than I would've ever expected. "Should I come over, or do you want me to leave you alone?"

"Matt, babe, it's okay," I said, my mood instantly lifted by him.

"But really, you did seem a bit off this afternoon,"

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm just tired," I wiped my eyes, snuggling into my covers on my bed.

"Well you were almost falling asleep on me in Stevie's,"

"Yeah, you know how it is, I'm tired and stressed and naturally anxious,"

"You just need to chill,"

"Don't tell me that! I am a naturally stressed person,"

"Just take a deep breath. Have a bath. Watch The Office. Don't worry about school tonight and go to bed early. If you want, I'll drive you to school,"

"Yes doctor," I joked, my tension slowly releasing. "Also, we always drive each other to school, so I was just expecting you to drive me anyway. You always drive on Wednesdays,"

"Exactly. I'll text you later. Go have some 'you time,', look after yourself,"

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