thirty one

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While our day was nice and we smoked weed at our little skate spot, Matt seemed off.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, the two of us sitting in his car at our skate spot, it being too cold to sit outside.

"What?" Matt snapped out of his daydreams, absentmindedly handing me the joint.

"I asked if you're okay," I sucked from the joint, turning to look at him. "You seem a bit off,"

"Oh, I'm fine," he blew me off, turning away.

"Matt?" I rose an eyebrow. He was not fine. "Matt, what's going on?"

Taking a deep breath, Matt turned only slightly so his back wasn't to me.

"Im worried," he said as i played with his hands in his laps, nervously.

"What about," I scooted over, rubbing his shoulder that only tensed under my touch. "Babe, what's going on,"

Facing me, Matt's eyes were red and glassy and it wasn't the weed.

"Not to sound dramatic or anything but the only girl I have ever loved is moving across the country in a matter of months and all I want to do is go with her, but I know I can't," taking a deep breath, Matt continued. "When we graduate, Me, Ian, all of Brockhampton, we're going to San Marcos, only half an hour away and we're going to live together. Meanwhile, you're moving to New York which takes a full twenty four hours to drive there," Matt's voice seemed almost angry, but most of all, I just saw sadness. "We both know that I don't have to money to be able to fly in and out. Just when things were going so well, they have to change," Tears were threatening my eyes, seeing Matt in tears over me.

"Matt, Matt, Matt," I soothed him, reaching over to rub his upper leg, putting the joint down. "Matt, believe me, I'm scared too,"

"I just want to come with you," Matt looked down to his lap, guilty. "Fuck! I should be telling you how proud I am of you! I'm so goddamn proud of you, you don't even know," He was frustrated and all I wanted to do was calm him.

"Matt, it's okay to feel like this," I said, trying to be the calm one. "We just have to trust ourselves, and know that everything is going to be alright,"

Looking up to me, Matt smiled as I wiped his tears.

"How are you so calm," He said in his moment of weakness.

"Matt, babe, I'm freaking out," I assured him, seeing his face change from sorrow to worry.

"Don't freak out," He pulled me towards him for a hug.It was in a time like this when I felt every emotion towards him. I was happy, sad, worried, frustrated. "We're gonna figure this out,"

Smiling to myself, I nuzzled my face in his hoodie. I was just comfortable right here that I didn't want to leave.

"When you're super famous, I can be your groupie," Matt chuckled to himself, stroking my hair.

"When Brockhampton is super famous, I get to be Matt Champion's girlfriend," I smiled up to him, inhaling his comforting scent.

"Because you're totally not your own person,"

"No, of course not,"

Maybe things were going to be alright.

a/n haha i've pre wrote a heap of chapters so while this one is short, you'll be getting more, i promise.

i think i might put little life updates in the authors notes in this as well, idrk why but i guess this is a little pocket where i can.
i went on a date with the guy i mentioned in the a/n last time and r was pretty fucking perfect. we were in this korean chain store called mumu life because we saw these rlly cute plush ids in there (kinda similar to shops like miniso and daiso) and thinking out loud by  ed sheeran came on and we dead ass danced in this store at 9pm on a thursday night, r was perfect.

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