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Sunday, 9:14am

the sun has risen and so have i
i'm awake.

is an hour enough time?
i'll 'accidentally' come late if you need more

come in 45

ok, but if you're not ready...

Smiling as I got his text, I put my phone down remembering what happened last night. We kissed. It was a good kiss. It wasn't awkward, we were into it. But how do we address it? We weren't drunk, he will remember it as much as I do. Well, maybe not, I have every detail of that moment permanently ingrained in my memory after lying awake for an hour, thinking about it.

Matt picked me up exactly 45 minutes later. Upstairs, my Mum called me down to see Matt waiting for me. He had actually bothered to come to the door. My board under my arm, I kissed my mum's cheek, she didn't ask any questions. She must've talked to Matt.

"You didn't have to come all the way up," I said to Matt in the car as he started the ignition.

"But I can still do it," Matt argued,  pulling out from my house.

"Hey, I'm not telling to not do it, it was nice,"

"You liked it?" Matt smirked, looking over to me. "You like me coming to your door and saying hi to Mom?"

Giggling as I listened to me, I turned away to hide my blush.

"Am I embarrassing you?" Matt asked me nervously, making me give him an unimpressed glare.

"You're embarrassing yourself Matthew," I said as we turned on the highway.

"Ouch," Matt pretended to be hurt.

"How did you sleep last night?" I changed the subject, noticing the lack of direction our conversation had.

"Like a baby after that goodnight kiss," Matt turned off into the Starbucks drive through, ordering two black coffees. "You?"

"I could've done with being tucked in," I smirked as he drove up to the next window, paying. "Or someone to spoon me, but I am grateful for what I get," Matt handed me a coffee. He just happened to remember. It was a sweet gesture, he had probably also noticed the fact that I always have coffee every morning in first period.

Pulling out of the drive through lane, Matt pulled over, before giving me a kiss.

"Can I make it up to you?" He smiled, before I kissed him again.

"How about we get there first," I referred to Kev's skate place. "But its fine, We both got more than we expected last night,"

Smiling, Matt kissed my cheek, before turning back onto the highway.

It took another five minutes to reach our destination and arriving we got out of the car with our boards and Matt had a bag as well.

"What's that?" I looked at the large bag he was carrying.

"Lunch," Matt showed me the contents of fruit and a box of pesto pasta. "Or breakfast,"

"You didn't have to bring a picnic," I insisted, skating across the concrete as Matt put down the bag in the grass.

"I knew you wouldn't have eaten breakfast," Matt said, watching me skate. "And I'm hungry,"

"You want to eat?" I skated back to him, hopping off my board.

Nodding, Matt pulled me towards him as I walked past him. I was surprised at how physically affectionate he was. He was into physical touch and I liked it.

"Let me give you a kiss," He stopped me, pouting his lips before kissing me lightly. 

Sitting down, Matt brought a blanket for us to sit on, which also allowed enough space to put the food on.

Just like the first time we went, it was sunny and warm and it created such an intimate atmosphere. However, all I could think about that if this was a date. We were kissing, touching, I was happy for it to be a date, but I required clarification.

"Matthew," I began, the subject of a date, running through my mind. Looking up to me, Matt expected me to continue. "Is this a date?"

Looking down to his lap, Matt smiled, his cheeks bright red. 

"How would you react if it was?"

"I didn't ask you that," I smirked. He was afraid to admit. "But if it was...,"

"I want this to be a date," Matt began. "But if you don't feel like that-"

"Matthew, I want this to be a date too," I placed a hand on his chest over his khaki button up shirt that he wore over a plain white tee.

Leaning closer to me, Matt expected a kiss, before I scooped a fork full of pasta into my mouth. Matt rolling his eyes, I giggled with my mouth full.

"Do you want some too?" I scooped some up for him,  Matt taking the fork, feeding himself.  "Did you make this? This is good,"

"Actually, my mum made it, she had pasta last night and I added her homemade pesto," Matt explained, putting down the fork. "Now that you have eaten, can I kiss you?"

Licking my lips, I pecked his lips, before he fully leaned into me, supporting my back with his large hand. We weren't exactly planning to go too far, but we still maintained our heat.

"You're so fucking beautiful," Matt pulled away, massaging my arms.

"I think you're beautiful," I smiled, taking a grape from the bowl of fruit.

"You make me blush," Matt joked with a hand on his chest.

We skated for a while, and 5pm, we decided we had to go since we both had homework and needed to be home for dinner.

Driving me home, Matt walked me to the door.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Matt asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Of course," I smiled, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Okay, well I'll see you then," Kissing me properly, Matt farewelled me before returning to his car.

Letting myself into the house, Mum cheerily greeted me, hugging me.

"Dinner is in fifteen, could you help set the table or do you want a shower?" She asked, walking into the kitchen.

"I can help," I put my board down, following her into the kitchen.

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