twenty one

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I enjoyed spending time by myself. On Thursday, I was able to relax. I got home, I did my homework and then had my own luxurious bath for an entire hour until I could no longer sit in the lukewarm water that filled the tub.

After school on Friday, Matt planned to come over later after hanging out with his friends, making music. He offered for me to come, however I passed. I wanted my own time to make music.

Downstairs, in the basement, Dad had made his own studio. Consisting of a microphone and a desktop computer there was also a piano and a handful of other instruments.

I never used the extensive equipment in the studio when Dad wasn't around. The studio was a place to have some quiet time and devote concentration for one single purpose: music.

And so I did. I spent my entire afternoon singing, working on the chord progressions of my songs, developing the harmonies and I didn't stop until I was interrupted by Mum calling me.

"Hi," I answered, kicking my legs up on the couch I was on.

"Hi honey, how are you going?" Mum greeted in her consistently caring voice.

"I'm well, but how's grandma?" I had one priority.

"She's good, but really tired."

"What about the specialist, what are they like?"

"The specialist is good, we're doing a few more tests. Grandma's going to be put on some drug that's just been FDA approved, so we have to do some tests for resistance, apparently there can be issues with the drug in some gene strains or something,"

"Okay, so nothing crazy like surgery?"

"If the drug is good, then no. But she needs to be having regular check-ups on it, so we are currently trying to find someone in hopefully Houston that is specialised enough to do so,"

"Why can't a normal doctor do it?"

"I'm not sure, but the specialist insisted we would need a specialist to check up,"

"So what are you doing now?"

"We'll be staying in New York. Luckily my Mum and Dad's place is big enough,"

"Well imagine Granny and Pops lived in something like our old apartment there," I referred to my Mom's parents.

"I really wouldn't like to. That would be upsettingly unpleasant," Mom laughed. She sounded stressed and wound up. "Anyway, how are you managing?"

"Mom, don't worry about me," I assured her, "Everything is going fine, I've had Grandma's food in the freezer. It's all more than good,"

"Okay, are you doing things with friends?"

"Matt's coming over tonight." I told mum as I heard a knock from upstairs. "Speaking of the devil,"

"I'll let you go, please remember, text me and Aunt Florence if anything comes up okay?"

"Of course,"

"Okay, I love you,"

"I love you too mum," I walked upstairs to the door.

"Okay, call me tomorrow,"

"I will,"

"Okay bye,"


Opening the door, Matt was waiting for me, a backpack slung over his shoulder. Letting him, I kissed him in the doorway, grabbing his hair. I was surprised at my own forwardness but I hadn't seen him all day. I hadn't been at the cafeteria for lunch because I had to study for a text the next period and I didn't have chemistry either which was my only class with him.

"Hello to you too," Matt grinned, pulling away.


Taking his things upstairs, I didn't want to go downstairs and sitting down on my bed, he sat down with me.

"You want music?" I opened my phone, connecting it to my stereo.

"Always," Matt laid down on the white covers of my bed. Grinning, I just put my music on shuffle, lying down next to him.

"How was your day?" I asked him, the two of us staring at the white ceilings, music filling the room.

"I wanted to see you all day," Matt said, laughing to himself. It was the best feeling in the world when someone that you liked liked you back. "I wanted to go to the library at lunch, but I didn't want to interrupt you, I know that you really wanted to ace this test,"

"How thoughtful of you, but I would've loved to see you," I grinned. It was these little things that just made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"I'm here now," Matt promised.

"Good. Anyway, how's everyone?" I referred to Brockhampton.

"They're good, we had a productive afternoon," Matt told me. "We've actually set our sights on a mixtape now"

"Finally," Brockhampton had been working hard on music however they'd all been fizzling on what to do with it. Finally, they'd now decided on something. "So what's the plan with it?"

"None of us know," Matt sighed. "What did you do this afternoon?"

"Worked on some music. Mom called me,"

"I was wondering who you had been talking to," Matt sat up, pulling his backpack towards him. "So I brought two movies. Another Tati," Matt pulled out a DVD from the same director as the movie we had watched the other night. "I also brought a German one," He showed me a second DVD 'Goodbye Lenin,'. Communism, fun.

Sitting up beside him, I began to massage his shoulders, feeling all over his body, peppering kisses on his neck.

"You know, I'm not really in the mood for a movie right now,"

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