Crooked Angel 3

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After the celebrations with the sins the previous night and your interesting talk with Amenadiel, you were almost surprised when you received a text from an old friend *Hi Mallie! Fancy a drink... or ten? I know you're in town, wherever Belial and the sins are, you aren't far behind! 😉 - M x* You smiled at your phone as you typed out your reply, as well as mentally cursing out whichever sin had ratted out. *Sure! Name the time and the place😉 -MM x* the reply was almost instantaneous *Oh, I think you know 😉 -M x* you sighed *Give me an hour! – MM x* After half an hour of debating over what to wear you finally picked an outfit and headed out to meet your friend.

When you finally arrived at the place you were surprised to see that there were already a couple of people there, regulars you guessed. You found a seat at the bar and smiled at the bartender as she approached, "So this is the human form which the great Mazikeen has chosen" you motioned towards her as you spoke, to which Maez smiled as she poured you a drink. You both shared a smile as you took a sip. Maez then went to refill some drinks of the regulars at the other end of the bar when a blonde with glasses and a suit decided to occupy the seat next to yours. Maez eyed her up as she walked back over to you "Boss is out" you smiled at Maez as you sipped your drink again, focussing on the extensive types of alcohol behind the bar and Maez. "Ah, so you must be Mazikeen. Amazing, you're exactly as he described." At that you looked between the blonde and Maez, you're drink abandoned. "Oh, you must be the therapist." Maez had a glint in her eye, the one that meant she was getting ready to play some games. "Linda, please" the therapist held her hand out to Maez, smiling, this threw Maez off, but, being Maez, she made as if she was going to shake the therapists hand then swiftly moved to pick up her drink, smirking at the therapist as she done so.

After 5 minutes of being ignored by Maez and 'Linda' you finished your drink in one motion and stood up "Maez, love, I'll catch up with you later" you gave Maez a tight smile while side-eyeing the therapist and grabbed your jacket, just as you were turning you heard the last voice you wanted to at that moment. "Ah, Dr.Martin. Fancy seeing you here!" You froze. "Oh! Well, this is a surprise." From the lack of movement behind you, you could only believe that you were not the only one taken by surprise. You stared at Lucifer with as unamused a look as you could muster. You were the first to recover and break eye contact. "Ah, Detective Decker, lovely to see you again" you smiled at the Detective while completely ignoring Lucifer. Decker returned the smile and then moved to join the Therapist at the bar, obviously wanting to watch the encounter with a smallest chance of being caught in the cross-fire. "So... The prodigal child returns! And just how long have you been in town?" You looked at Lucifer and laughed before answering, "long enough to know that I'm not important enough to you to mention to your therapist." You gave Lucifer a sweetly fake smile before you walked past him, turning to Maez before you left, "Maez, if you want a proper catch up, I suggest a different venue, love." You walked up the stairs of Lux and left. Lucifer took a few more minutes to recover before acknowledging the women staring at him. "So, Dr. Martin, what brings you here?" he smiled sweetly at the Doctor, "Never mind what brings me here, what was that all about?" Lucifer looked between the Detective and the Doctor, meanwhile Maez had disappeared enough to not help but stayed close enough to eavesdrop.

Two days after you had your confrontation with Lucifer at Lux that there was a knock at your door. When you answered it, you were more surprised than you probably should have been by who was at your door. "Ugh, it's just you." You rolled your eyes and leaned against the door frame crossing your arms as you spoke, "what do you want Samael? I know you're not here because you were invited, I'm certain I would never have done that." Lucifer stood there, and you couldn't help the triumphant smile that grazed your lips when he flinched at the use of his angelic name. Once he had recovered, he smiled at you, "Hello love, mind if I come in?" Your rolled your eyes and thought about it for a moment before, reluctantly, moving so allow Lucifer to enter your apartment. "I love what you've done with the place, not exactly how I would have designed it, too many bright colours for my taste, but still, it's nice." He looked around a little more before, finally, dropping onto your smoke coloured couch as you closed the door "That was kind of the point," you said as you went to pour drinks for you both.

After you had prepared the drinks and handed Lucifer his you sat down on the couch opposite Lucifer. "So, Samael, I heard you burned your wings" you smirked as you sipped your drink and waited, patiently, for Lucifer's response. "And I heard that you snuck into my club, and told the Detective my real name." Lucifer looked at you pointedly and all you could do was smile and look at the drink in your hand before looking up at Lucifer, "Why burn the wings, Samael?" You waited, sipping your drink. Once Lucifer realised you weren't going to drop the subject he drained his glass and stood to refill it before answering you, "If you're going to question me Malkira," he made a point of emphasising your name, "the least you could do is call me 'dad', I did create you after all." You winced slightly and glared at Lucifer, "I could Samael, but it's much more fun to watch you flinch at your angelic name." You smiled at him at you drained what was left of your glass.

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