Crooked Angel 17

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You decided to abandon your apartment and hire some people to clean it up and a realtor to deal with the selling of the property. You honestly didn't want anything to do with it, every time you entered you had a panic attack, and no amount of booze was helping. You stayed at Lucifer's while you tried to find a new place to live, and you tried to keep Lucifer out of it as much as celestially possible. You tried your best to ignore the miniature you sized problem, which was hanging around Lucifer's apartment, but it was difficult when she kept interfering in your attempts to send her back and seemed obsessed with spending time with Lucifer. You had watched him with vague interest to see his interactions with the mini you, but you also couldn't help noticing that he done his best to discourage the child from spending time with him.

You had found that being in Lux appeared to be the best way to avoid the mini you problem, you knew you couldn't ignore her forever, but you also wanted to ensure you could send her back safely, for both your sakes. Neither you nor Lucifer ever recalled you being sent to another time or disappearing for any length of time, you thought it must be a side-effect of the spell, that when you return the memories were lost during the transfer back. You decided that if you couldn't figure out what to do with the child by the end of the month then you would reach out to those whom you knew were attuned with the 'mystic arts' as they called them. If that didn't work then you'd have to reach out to one of the Endless, but that was a last resort.

The closer you got to the end of the month, the lower your ideas on how to deal with your younger self were getting. You had tried meditation, reversal spells, trying to get the young you to focus on self-actualising or self-conceptualising herself to be back in her own time. You even tried getting the younger you to attempt some of the spells herself, but her lack of annunciation made that a less desirable option.

The deadline you had set had been and gone, you were out of ideas. Amenadiel, Mazikeen, even Lucifer and Linda had all attempted to help you find some way of returning your little mishap back to where she belonged before it could have any lasting impact on your present. You were reading through the same ancient text you had been studying for the last few months, hoping you had missed something in your first thousand or so readings, or that something new would magically pop out at you. You sighed and placed the book down. You looked around your new apartment, it was a bit smaller than your previous one, but that was the point. You wanted something which had as little resemblance to that place as you could find, but you still wanted enough space to spread your wings if you needed to. Amenadiel had suggested using them lightly to try and ease some of the stiffness caused by your unhealing injuries, Linda thought that the damage was psychological at this point, and you couldn't or wouldn't allow the injuries to heal as you were unwilling or unable to let go of what had happened to you. All these options ran rampant in your mind, to the point of sensory overload. You walked out into your balcony, overlooking the glistening lights of the city and breathed deeply, closing your eyes, letting your head fall. That was when you received a call from Maez, the words that left her mouth made your blood run cold.

You hung up the phone, ran into your apartment and gently awoken your younger self, to take straight to Lucifer's. Mally, rubbing her eyes whilst cuddling into you as you carried her to your fathers.

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