Crooked Angel 18

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You entered your fathers apartment and stopped dead, Lucifer was sitting on the couch staring at his hands like they were foreign to him, Goddess, was standing with her back to the room looking out the window, one hand over her chest while her other arm rested in it hand over her mouth as if trying to comprehend what had happened. Mazikeen was behind the bar in your fathers apartment with a bag of ice being moved around her body to where it was needed most. You looked between everyone and tried to figure out who to speak to first. You eventually decided to place Mally into Lucifer's spare room to allow her to sleep while you tried to comprehend what had happened.

Once you had gotten both Mazikeen and Lucifer's versions of what happened, you realised that what had happened, it was one of the few variables that your uncle never anticipated because he never thought of Lucifer being capable of it. If he had, even for a second, anticipated Lucifer's knee jerk reaction, the possibility of him actually plunging the knife of Azrael into the pattern seer. You weren't the biggest fan of your uncle, but you would have never wished this upon your worst enemy, the pain, the sorrow in Lucifer's face, it broke your heart. Mazikeen mentioned something about your uncle receiving what he was owed, it took everything in your power to prevent from striking her in your anger, no one deserved the wrath that came with Azrael's blade.

You and Mally had stayed at Lucifer's that night. The morning was somber, and you could tell the only person who didn't lose sleep over the events of the previous night was Mazikeen. Amenadiel had arrived before you had gotten up, Mally was sitting at the bar, her legs swinging back and forth as she sat on the (much too tall) chair eating her breakfast. Amenadiel was shocked, angered. Goddess was trying to calm him. The whole scene was becoming too much and you retreated back into the bedroom. You tried to collect yourself, breath deeply. You were a child of hell, raised voices were the least of the sounds you heard, why was this affecting you so? It took another hour before you felt able to leave the bedroom again. Things appeared to have begun to settle down. You sat on a chair next to Mally and sipped at the drink Mazikeen had poured for you.

Over the next few weeks, you witnessed Lucifer spiral more and more, you were scared to reach out to Lucifer, fearing that it would lead to you talking about what had happened to you. So you avoided Lucifer, focussed all your pain, your hurt on figuring out how to return yourself to the past. The guilt of everything, what had happened to you, what had happened with your father and uncle, the fact you didn't feel you could help your father out of his spiral. It was all starting to build up, add to that the fact the Linda wouldn't speak to you after discovering that you truly were the devils daughter, and you felt yourself becoming more and more isolated from everyone and everything. You stopped responding to the sins, to your friends, getting up was getting harder and harder.

You hadn't even responded to messages from Linda, once she had finally wrapped her head around the idea of celestial beings existing, she tried to reach out to understand your role in 'the celestial plan'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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