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Uby and Ezra sat there, between the wing and the pilot ball where there was some shade because the "sun" was really burning everywhere, it was really hot.

"I hope the sun calms down soon..i need to start working on the repairs.."Ezra said
Uby looked at him and and backed away a little bit. She started hitting the ground slightly like she was digging up something and then walked to the TIE and hit it a little bit too.
"You wanna help me?" Ezra said with a chuckle
Uby nodded.
"Thanks but are you sure? You could get hurt..."Ezra countinued

Uby gave a little quick nod.
"Well then..we start when the sun is burning slightly less"Ezra said with a smile

There was a moment of silence then Uby started pointing at the TIE and then turned around and pointed at the sky and drew a little question mark in the ground. Ezra looked at her confused. She did it a few more times.
"Uhh..are you asking how I got here and why?"Ezra asked
Uby nodded.

Ezra paused for a second.

"Well um its a long story...I escaped from an Imperial star destroyer and left the Empire. Though they still looked for me and are probably still looking, i had to land on some planet to hide untill they search Lothal and when they do and see that im not there, they will leave and im gonna go back to Lothal." Ezra said
Uby gave a sad look but Ezra didnt notice.
Then she pointed at the question mark.
"Well im going back to Lothal because its my home planet and I know it the best."Ezra said
Uby shook her head and pointed again at the question mark.
"Uhh.."Ezra started
"...why did i leave the Empire?"Ezra asked
Uby nodded.
Then anger started rising up inside of Ezra.
"Because they looked at me not as a person but a thing, a weapon! Someone they could just throw into the trash after they used me! They only cared about my power and nothing else!"Ezra raised  his voice and some rocks around Ezra started rising from the ground.
Uby noticed it.
" sorry i didnt mean to yell.."Ezra said
Uby started craving something in the ground again. First she wrote the letter F, then the letter S. Ezra had to put his hands over his ears because of the sound.
And finally she drew a question mark at the end.
Ezra raised an eyebrow at the "question".
"F S ?"Ezra asked and looked at Uby
She nodded.
Ezra thought for a little bit and then realized some rocks where a bit moved from the place they were before.
"I must have done that while talking"Ezra thought

There was a little pause.
"Are you asking if im force sensetive?"Ezra asked

Uby nodded.

"...Y-yeah im force sensetive.."Ezra said and gave a litte nervous chuckle as he looked away, he didnt want Uby to know he was a Sith.
Then Uby once again started drawing something in the ground.
An M and T.
"Uhh..i dont understand..?"Ezra asked
Uby countinued writing M and then wrote E and wrote next  to T and O. Spelling "ME TO".
"You too??"Ezra asked suprised
Uby gave a little smile and nodded, she looked at one of the rocks at the ground and closed her eyes. The rock rose up in the air.
"Wow..i didnt know there were force sensetive animals in some far away planets like this one"Ezra said
Uby opened her eyes and the rock fell to the ground. Then she started drawing something else in the ground. She spelled the letter L and D and a question mark.
Ezra looked at the question for a few moments.
Then he realised what Uby was asking. She was asking if he is a light force user or a dark force user.
Ezra flinched at the question and started looking around, trying to avoid the question.
"Um..i uh..well"Ezra said
Uby looked at him with eyes of wonder.
Ezra wasnt sure if he should tell Uby he was a dark force user.

After a few moments Ezra looked down.

" a dark force user"Ezra said
Uby shook her head. Ezra looked at her in confusion. She pointed at both L and D and then pointed at Ezra.
"What do you mean?"Ezra asked
Uby started drawing something again, she spelled and Yu ar and Both.
Ezra understood what she was saying but didnt understand why, he was a Sith right?
"Im both?"Ezra said
Uby nodded with a smile.
"How do you know im both? Do you feel the energy or something like that?"Ezra asked
Uby nodded but then also shook her head.
Ezra gave her a confused look.
She then pointed at Ezra's hair, and at a specific spot as well.
Ezra checked the spot Uby was showing, and there was his padawan braid.
"Oh yeah...this"Ezra said
But then Uby jumped in Ezra's lap and pointed at his forehead looking up at him.

"What are you trying to say?"Ezra asked

"Its all locked up in your head"Ezra heard a voice saying

He looked at Uby.
"Did you.."Ezra started
Uby gave a little smile and jumped off Ezra's lap and started walking out into the sun.

"Hey! What do you mean that some things are locked up in my head??"Ezra asked
Uby turned around and looked at him.

"They are just locked up"Ezra once again heard Uby's voice  inside his head

Ezra looked away. His mind was exploding with questions.
"What dont i remember??"
"Does it have to do something with that man?"
"What if I really was a Jedi before"
"If i was how did i end up being what i am now??"
"What changed?"Ezra thought

His thought were interrupted by Uby' poke on his lap.
Ezra turned to her and she moved her head back and forth a couple of times showing the way to the outside of the shade.
"We cant go out there yet, its still really hot"Ezra said
Uby shook her head and bit Ezra's sleeve leading it towards the front of the TIE.
"Alright okay"Ezra said and got up as he walked with Uby to the ground that was in the light. Ezra stepped out of the shade expecting a burning sensation but it never came. It was cool and even kind of cold even though it was still light out.
Ezra then turned to the horizon and noticed that the sky was turning dark really fast, it was like a sped up video. And all the sudden it was darkness everywhere and the same rocks that looked like stars shined on the sky.

"Well"Ezra started
"Time to get to work"Ezra said and looked at the TIE and Uby.
Uby nodded happily.

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