The Sith Temple part 3

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After aproximetly one second of falling..Ezra hit the ground hard.  "Ugh, I hate when that happens!".... "Where am I anyway?"Ezra asked as he looked around. It seemed like the same darkness was around him. There was nothing except the colour black. Then Darth Traya's voice spoke "What do you desire the most ?"

Ezra winced, being suprised by the question "Mind your own business"

"Just like your master..never sharing personal information"Darth Traya said

"Why do you even need to know what do I desire the most?"Ezra answered her, losing his patience. "That's for me to know and you to find out"Darth Traya said "If she knows why did she ask ?" Ezra thought in annoyance.

"I know...I know what I truely desire ! I want the Empire gone!"

"But ..that's not the full it ?"Darth Traya said

"What do you mea-"Ezra stopped when he saw that the black room changed into.....Ezra's old house. Everything was in a mess in the house, it was not burned down like he remembered. The house was still standing excep that there were broken things everywhere. Then Ezra winced as his eyes widened "T-This is right after m-my parents were taken away". He started to look around as he sighed. Remembering how things looke before...when his famly was there..togather..happy.

"I ....I wish that.... my parents were never taken away.."Ezra said as he noticed a picture on the table next to him. He picked it up as extreme sadness washed over him.

It was a picture of Ezra as a 6 year old child..his parents standing next to him. They all looked so happy Mum,dad....". He felt tears buidling up so he quickly set the picture down, wiping his eyes and taking a deep breath. Darth Traya's voice had snapped him from his thoughts.

"I ask you again...what do you truely desire?". There was amoment of silence as Ezra spoke "I...I want to know the truth!..The truth about my parents and what happened to them!"

"and what would you do to find that out?"Darth traya asked

"Anything"Ezra answered.

Then Ezra's house dissapeared and it was replaced with the dark room of nothingness again. But this time Ezra was alone, there was another figure there....a familiar one...

"Tseebo!" Ezra said and started to run to Tseebo but something blocked Ezra from getting to him. It was like an invisible wall "What..."

"You said that you would do anything to find out about your parents' fate right?"Darth traya asked with her voice echoing

"Yes"Ezra answered

"Do you see that device on the Rodian's head?"Darth traya asked. Ezra looked towards Tseebo and there was indeed some device around his head.

"In that device there is information about you parents when they were captured by the Empire and... what happened to them.....but"Darth Traya said. " But?"Ezra asked

"To get the device off him will have to ..eliminate him"Darth Traya spoke. Ezra winced. Tseebo was a friend of his parents.."I ..I have to kill him?"

"It is your choice"Darth traya said

Ezra turned his head to Tseebo, looking at the Rodian who seemed completely lost and helpless. Ezra sighed deeply as he picked up Savage opress's lightsaber that Maul gave Ezra and activaded the red blade "I'm sorry Tseebo". The boy said as the wall that was holding him back before disappeared, letting Ezra run to the Rodian and stab him. Ezra looked down at the now lifeless Tseebo "This isnt right, I-I..." Ezra thought

Then everything around Ezra started to break like glass, he shut his eyes but this time he didnt return to the Sith Temple. His mind was starting to slip into unconciousness as Darth Traya spoke "You have passed the Test of Passion"(Okay there are two meanings of this word but right now it means a strong feeling of wanting something and it can't be controled.)

"Now begins your final have to prove that there is no good in you"

That was the last thing Ezra heard as he passed out...not knowing where he will wake up..


Okay sooo  another chapter finnished YAY,I hope you liked it and leave down in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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