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Ezra woke up around 5 minutes before Maul was supposed to pick him up for training. He got up from his bed, glancing at the lightsaber that was on the table next to him. He rised an eyebrow.

"Well It's not that bad....but something is missing"Ezra said starting to look around for something sharp. His eyes fell on an old piece of metal, but it looked quite sharp. He picked up his lightsaber and started craving the letter E on the top of the handle of the lightsaber. Suddenly the door to Ezra's room opened revealing Maul  "I see you finnished your lightsaber"

"But it's enough for me to train"Ezra said and started walking towards Maul as his master gave an evil smirk. Ezra and Maul went to the landing platform, or as they call it ''training platform''.


Ezra was holding his lightsaber and watching Maul closely. Maul didn't say anything he just kep walking one meter away from Ezra. It was quiet untill Maul suddenly turned around and activaded his own lightsaber, showing the red blade. He then attacked Ezra. The younger boy expecting it already had his lightsaber ready to activated and he did, blocking Maul's attack.

"Let's see what have you learned"Maul said and attacked the boy once more. Ezra blocked the attack and force pushed Maul away from himself. Maul got up quickly as Ezra attacked again. The Master and the Apprentice started to fight.

After about 3 minutes, Ezra wanted to finnish the duel already so he took an attack position and so did Maul. Maul was the first one to run towards Ezra. The raven haired boy jumped and now was behind Maul, Ezra put his lightsaber next to maul's head.

"I got you"Ezra said with a smirk

"And I got you"Maul answered as Ezra looked down noticing that the other red blade was close to his chest. Suddenly a feeling started building in Ezra untill he got.... a flashback.


Ezra and some other man  were having a lightsaber duel in some ship. Ezra could not reconize him, he wasnt able to see his face. As for himself he was wearing a orange jumpsuit while having blue electric eyes.  After a few seconds Ezra jumped and landed behind the man and put his ''blue'' lightsaber close to his head.

"Gotcha"Ezra said

"And I got you"The man with the ponytail answered

Ezra looked down and saw that the man's blue blade was close to his chest.

"Ugh, Tie again?"Ezra deactivaded his blue lightsaber as the man proceeded to say "There is no such thing as a Tie"

That was the last thing Ezra saw untill everything started fading away.


Ezra shook his head, confused about what he just saw. What was that..? He de activaded hus lightsaber when he noticed Maul did already.

"Not bad, apprentice"Maul said

Ezra didn't say anything back, he just stared at his lightsaber. He didnt know what to think but for some reason he felt the need to activate it again. Now the colour was a little less vibrant.

"Why did the blade change?"Ezra asked

"You made a connection with it, now that blade is a part of you" Maul explained as the boy de-activaded his lightsaber. Maul had his back turned staring at the distance "You may go". As soon as Ezra heard that he started heading towards his room.

Maul didn't do anything to stop Ezra, he was just standing there with an evil smirk.


Ezra went inside as sat on the bed and sighed "What was that ''memory''".  He got up and went to the mirror he had on his wall across from his bed. He didnt look at the mirror he just looked down. He was wearing a black jumpsuit with his lightsaber on his belt.

"I mean.. I..I'm not that boy I saw in my flashback....."Ezra said and looked up at his reflection.

".....Or am I" 

And then for just a moment, instead of Ezra's actual reflection, there was a boy with an orange  jumpsuit with the same face like Ezra, standing in the mirror.


Okay sooo yeahhhh, another chapter donee yayyy, once again sorry for not updating this book for a long time. I hope you like the chapter and leave down in the comments what do you think :)

Padawan girl out.

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