Twisted Change

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Maul looked at the door or the Emperor's office where previously Savage Opress and Ezra in his arms went out.


Savage Opress started walking towards Ezra's new room which was pretty far away.Opress looked at Ezra when he felt him move. The raven haired boy's expression was like he was in a nightmare.


There was Ezra standing, it was dark. He couldnt really see a lot but he could recognize where he was....his house.

"Oh..m-my home"Ezra said and started looking around then spotted spotted his old dog toy. He went to pick it up but his hand went right through it.

"...what in the galaxy?"

Then suddenly a faint light appeared behind Ezra, he could hear two very familiar voices.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ezra, happy Birthday too youuu"Two voices were singing 

Ezra turned around immedietly and saw three figures, his mom, his dad and... his younger self in the middle  sitting on a chair. In front of them was a cake with a big 4 on it.(little ezra is the illusion Ezra and JUST Ezra is the present Ezra)

"M-mom..d-dad...."Ezra said

"Happy fourth birthday Ez"Mira said and hugged the little Ezra.

"Happy birthday buddy"Ephraim added. They looked so happy and so proud.

"Okay lets cut into this cake!"Mira said as Little Ezra grabbed the knife but Ephraim quickly stopped his arm.

"Be carefull Ez, dont play with knifes okay?"Ephraim said

"Ohhh.....sorry, I wont do it again, dont worry!"Ezra said with the sweetest smile ever

Then Suddenly Ezra felt sharp pain coming from his head as he grabbed his head in response, wincing in pain.

Then more waves of pain started coming, Ezra fell on his knees, breathing heavily. He couldnt even think. He looked up in a weakend state and stared at his younger self and his parents. Suddenly it felt like the people in front of him were strangers but he knew they werent...he knew they cant be strangers.

"W-wait.....w-w-who are these p-people again?....My p-parents?"Ezra said in a confused voice

Then suddenly and dark and deep voice was heard.

"No."The voice said

"B-But...they seem so familiar.....and feel as well"Ezra said in a weak tone

"They are no one to you."That deep voice once again came. Ezra felt anger buidling up, he knew the voice was wrong.

"NO!, THEY ARE MY PARENTS!  SHUT UP!"Ezra screamed

"Stupid."The voice said

Then Ezra felt even sharper pain coming from his head, he collapsed on the floor.

"They are NO ONE to you, just strangers...Trust me."The voice said darkly. With each second that passed Ezra's memory became altered. He started questioning himself.

"N-No one.....they are no one to me?"Ezra asked in a weak voice

"Exactly."The voice answered

Then all the sudden all the memories that ever existed with those people(Ezra's parents) started to fade away. It seemed like they were never there.

"They...........They are...."Ezra was despretly trying to remember

In a second all the memories from Ezra's parents were gone.

"They are strangers to me"Ezra said coldy as the pain stopped and everything around him was dark. The two figures were gone leaving the smaller illusion Ezra alone. Ezra(older one real one) looked up at his younger self. The younger boy stared down at him as he himself also started fading Ezra was all alone in the darkness.


Savage Opress was still carrying Ezra tightly in his arms, but suddenly the boy started to move, signaling Savage Opress that he was about to wake up.He looked down at the raven haired boy with a serious look.

Ezra's eyes started to slowly open, heblinked a few times and looked up at Savage Opress. There was a moment of silence untill Ezra's expression changed into clear irritation.

"Why are YOU carrying me?, PUt me DOWN you idiot"Ezra demanded

Savage Opress rolled his eyes and slowly started to put Ezra down, but the raven haired boy had no time for it so he just quickly removed Opress's hands off him, jumped off and he was on the ground standing.

"I DONT need to be carried like a baby"Ezra said in a rude tone

"Do excuse me, it were only orders...."Savage Opress said

"Well, there's your room *Savage opress pointed at the room at the end of the hall*"Opress said

"Hmmm, why must be at the end tho?"Ezra said in a mocking voice. His intention was to tease the older man that was with him Savage opress sighed.

"BEcause its how the ship was made deal with it."Savage Opress said

"Fine. Is at least next to My Master's?"Ezra asked

"Yes it is next to Maul's room."Opress answered as Ezra started walking forward but suddenly stopped. He turned his head back around.

"Can you bring me some coffe to my room I want it with extra sugar."Ezra asked with a cocky attitude. Savage Opress truely had enough of the boy so he just agreed

"Fine."Opress said

"Great, well I'm off. Tell me if The Emperor needs me to kill something since not even our own trained soldiers can"Ezra said starting to walk to his room but turned around again for a one final tease.

"I will be sure to tell him."Opress said

"And how about you call me Young Master?"Ezra said with a big smirk

"Kid, dont think that I'm stupid. I might be your Master's younger brother but that does NOT mean I have to do to everything YOU say"Opress was clearly irritated at the boy presance.

"Well ur doing a horrible job at that"Ezra chuckeled and started walking forward.

Savage Opress turned around and started heading back to the Emperor's office.

"I still need that coffee tho!"Ezra said right before entering his room as Savage Opress sighed at the boy's bratty behavior. How did he change so quickly.

Savage Opress walked to the Emperor's office and was almost in front of the door.

"That kid changed in a matter of seconds....I guess the consequences were far more disturbing than just making him forget his parents and make him loyal to the twisted his personality."Opress said as the door of the Emperor's 0ffice opened.


Heyy guys, first I hope you enjoyed the chapter,  let me know in the comments what do u think. Now to the point. I am soo sorry for not updating so long, my computer is back thank god but school is starteing so I needed to study for preperation, plus i took a trip with my folks. so from now on I'll trz to update as much as I can SINCE SCHOOL IS STARTING TOMORROW, and also I just realized its been a a year since I started this account, thank you guys so much for your support!! I would have never gotten here if it werent for u guyss, thank you soo muchh!! 

Padawan girl out!

Feels so good to say that again!! :D:D

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